Jesus answered him, "Foxes have dens and birds of the sky have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to rest his head." (Luke 9:58)
When Christ was born, he only laid on a manger. And even in his death, the tomb wasn't His. The birds and the foxes are even more comfortable than He was on occasions when truly resting was required. The Christian life is not a promise of an easy life. Its promise is a purposeful life, leading to eternal life. When we look at the word discipline, we will see its connection to the word disciple. The cost of Discipleship is to live a disciplined life while the world presents an easy way out. Choosing to be honest instead of accepting or giving bribes, choosing to study instead of cheating in the exam, and choosing to pray and read scripture when laziness sets in. These are some examples of discipleship amidst the comfort of worldly lures.
Secularism, relativism, consumerism, and materialism, gives in to man's resistance to discipleship. Man refuses the discipline of Christian morality and reasons to be able to design the world according to his comfort and ease. We can start to ask ourselves, "In what aspect of my life do I lack the discipline?".
The consequence of discipline is actually a happy life. An easy life does not equate to a happy life. "He regarded disgrace for the sake of Christ as of greater value than the treasures of Egypt, because he was looking ahead to his reward" (Hebrews 11:26). Those who are disciplined, those who can delay gratification, will reap great rewards. Although Christ suffered on earth, he was raised to be Lord of all. While the saints and martyrs didn't have it easy, they are now in eternal happiness with the Lord in heaven.
Lord, make me strong in my conviction as a disciple. Grant me the grace of discipline, so I may seek what is right instead of what is easy.
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