I just came from an exhausting but Spirit-filled day. It's a day before the CFC European Conference. There's going to be 5 simultaneous conferences (youth, kids, handmaids, singles, and cfc) in one big venue. Each ministry and every committee is very busy doing final touches and practices for the events. Some are drilling and sawing, others in crucial meetings, others are sewing costumes, others are preparing the kits, some are singing, others dancing...all of us doing different things to achieve one goal, to bring people closer to Christ and give glory to God.
What could be better than to do something that will lead others closer to our Lord? What could be more worthwhile than bringing glory to God? "So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God (1 Corinthians 10:31)."
Some things I realized today. One, we have to prepare the best that we can, giving all that we've got. This way, we will have peace in our hearts that we have given excellently. Second, do things with a joyful disposition. This makes work lighter and more enjoyable. Third, offer all that we do for God as a form of worship. If it is for the Lord, then it is worth all the hardwork. Fourth, take time to rest and appreciate the work and honor people who have helped. God looked at everything he had made, and he found it very good (Genesis 1:31).
At the end of a work-filled day with our bodies beat, we hope to feel the peace, joy, and content brought by the thought that we have given our best on that day. May what we do today bring others closer to Christ and give glory to God.
Hi t.kirby, I chanced upon or more like I was lead to this this site by some powerful force and discovered that the brother I met and had coffee with 2 saturdays ago in manila is the genius behind the songs that I sing ( and cry to) during our prayer meetings. Personal favorite is "heaven" the words of which are my personal prayer to Him. God bless you and tmichelle and your two kids.
Tito Peter! Such a delight to find a message from you. Thanks for your visit to Manila and inspiring me of your passion and conviction for the work of God. God bless you and your family!
God Bless sa CFC Europe Conference!
God bless brad kirby! We are praying for the Eurocon in our morning worship here in Singapore. God bless-nic
Thanks Nic. We just met with the Europe KFC Coordinators and they are very excited for the Global Day of Service and the International Kids' Village in Singapore.
God bless.
Go go go Kirbs! :) Michelle misses you SOOO much! hehehe. :) Don't worry, she's in good hands I'm sure! God bless the Euro Conf!
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