We are amidst preparations for the CFC Europe Conference. It's 2 days to go. Everyone's busy, many feel the pressure, and some are stressed. I gave a recollection last night and it basically focused on the blessings we have while serving God in a Christian community. It has the acronyms of B.L.E.S.S.
Through community, God blesses us with...
B - Brothers and Sisters who love us
L - Leaders who guide us
E - Events that nourish us
S - Spirit that anoints us
S - Service that empowers us
Realizing all these blessings, all the hard work in our preparations is all worth it. One can declare that, "I'm too blessed to be stressed!" I believe this is a good reminder for us whenever we feel much pressure in school, at work, or in our service to God. Noting above of the things that bless us, we also reflect on its opposite. These are things that stress us...
A lack of love in our ways.
A lack of witnessing and a lack of obedience
A lack of focus
A lack of appreciation
A lack of dependence on God
Reflecting on the above, we can therefore check on ourselves. Are we loving in our ways? Are we good witnesses? Am I obedient? Am I easily distracted? Are we honoring God's anointing? Is our service empowering us? If the answer to these questions is a "yes," then we will feel more of the blessings rather than the stress or burden.
Whenever we are feeling weary of the things we do, let us not forget to come before the Lord. Let us wait upon Him. Allow His embrace to fill us, recharge us, and empower us.
"He gives power to those who are tired and worn out; he offers strength
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