In my last night in Greece, we went to Sounion. It is a promontory or mass of land overlooking the sea, where we can find the ruins of the Temple of Poseidon. People drive an hour and a half from Athens to Sounion to witness the spectacular sunset at around 8:30pm. The temple overlooks the Aegean Sea. In classical Greek mythology, the Aegean sea was named after the King Aegeus. It was said that the king, upon seeing a black sail on his son's returning ship, commited suicide by jumping off the cliff of Sounion and drowning in the sea. Thus, the name Aegean Sea. His son, Theseus travelled far to slay the beast, Minotaur, and was victorious. But sadly, he forgot to raise the white sail that signified his victory, and so in despair His father jumped off Sounion.
In my reflection, there are important details in life that we take for granted. These are details that do not mean much to us, but mean a great deal to God. Things that we consider victorious, but we forget what victory means to God. Worldly victories like getting a good job, being promoted, having good grades in school, getting married, winning a championship game, receiving an award or recognition, profiting big in business and many more. These are things we prayed for and asked from God. God grants these gifts of victories to us. But sometimes, when we get want we want, we forget the Giver and focus more on the gift.
We forget the Giver when:
- we fail to thank Him.
- our attachments to the gifts lead us far from God and the service.
- we think we achieved it by our own strength
Failing to thank God is a sign that we did not acknowledge His gift of victory to us. We are more drawn to the feeling of victory or success. Often these leads to pride and boastfullness. "But thanks be to God who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 15:57)."
Our attachment to the gift should not overcome our attachment to the Giver. How many times have we seen single people in romantic relationships end up being inactive in God's service? How many times have we seen people being "too busy" with work for them to serve God? "As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God's varied grace (1 Peter 4:10)."
Hardwork is not the only reason for our success. We are successful because, by God's grace, He allowed us to be. Those who attribute success and victory solely to themselves, will run out of steam sooner or later. Some even commit suicide if their business fail because they think they didn't work hard enough or made wrong decisions. They do not see God's strength and will behind circumstances. Let us then honor God of His graces upon our successes. "But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace to me has not been ineffective. Indeed, I have toiled harder than all of them; not I, however, but the grace of God (that is) with me (1 Corinthians 15:10)."
Theseus achieved victory in defeating the Minotaur. But he failed to do what was most important: to raise the white sail for his father to acknowledge his victory. In our life, when God grants us his gifts of victory, let us not forget to do what is most important: to give the glory back to Him by thanking Him, serving Him, and honoring Him. Our victories belong to God!
I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow.(1 Corinthians 3:6). Victory belongs to God. thank you for this wonderful reflection Kirby! :)
Amen Marj. We do not forget that in every achievement or milestone, God is the great orchestrator. God bless you
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