August 6, 2010, 10pm, Doha, Qatar Airport
I just arrived in Doha Airport after 8 hours of travel. It’s 10pm and my flight is still at 7:50am the next day. It’s a long lay-over, the longest I’ve been. In the airport I see a lot of people waiting for their boarding, people of different races and nationalities. Here all of us are the same. No rich no poor, no white or black (or brown), all of us are travellers waiting for our flight.
How does God see us? Does He look at the color of our skin or our status in life? I believe that God sees only one thing, His children. All of us are God’s children, no matter who we are on this earth. Whether rich or poor, powerful or deprived, intelligent or simple minded, He only looks at the heart of His children. He sees the purity in our hearts, our intentions and our desires. As our Father, He knows us best. But how are we to act as His children?
As children, we act with dependence on God. The moment we try to figure out life without asking help from God our father, we become lost. Like the prodigal son, who thought he got things figured out but ended up squandering his money and eating with pigs. Being dependent on God makes us ask for His guidance and blessings. God is generous to His children, we need only ask.
As children, we act with honor and reverence to God. Being children, our actions reflect on our parents. When we commit a grievance, we bring shame to our parent’s name. Our parents, in their capacity, do all they can to raise us to be proper. But sometimes, our choice of actions is opposite to what we were taught. God our Father, has provided us guidance and teachings through His church. We know what is right or wrong, yet we dishonor him with our behaviour. May we be conscious of our actions and do things that will honor God. When someone thanks and honors us for the good service that we do, our answer is, “Praise God.” We give the glory back to Him and bring honor to His name.
As children, we act with love and kindness to our brothers and sisters. It is important for God to see His children living in peace and harmony. He sent his begotten Son, Jesus, to show us the way. Jesus said, “Love one another as I have loved you (John).” Jesus, our big brother, taught us how to relate with one another. He even said, “Love your enemies.” Let us avoid the posture and attitude of Cain when he answered God, “Am I my brother’s keeper?” God the father, is delighted to see His children look out for one another.
We are all the same in the Father’s eyes. We are all loved. Let us then be the children God envisions us to be.
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