It's one of my busiest weeks. I find myself endlessly doing things. My checklist seems to always have more boxes to be ticked. But despite all the demands, I end the day with a smile on my face knowing that all that I did was for the Lord. I find joy in the fact that I was able to give all my mind, my heart, and my soul to honor God in what I do. I believe that this is the essence of worship.
I read in the Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren, "Worship is not a part of your life, it is your life." Sometimes we define worship by only relating it to singing and praising. But truth is, worship is what we do to bring honor to Christ. I made some acrostics to remind myself to worship God in all that I do:
Work for the Lord
Offer your sacrifices
Remind Yourself of God's goodness
Smile always
Honor Christ in word and deed
Integrity of Character
Praise Him at all times
Our work, no matter how routine or very challenging it is, it greatly helps if we have the mindset that we are working for the Lord. Therefore, we are able to do things excellently.
When it comes to a point when it is most difficult, we come to offer our sacrifices to God. Take every oppression and suffering as a living sacrifice pleasing to the Lord.
Often we lose focus. One of the best way's to get back on track is to be reminded of God's goodness. The moment we forget that God wants what is best for us, we start to complain and get lost.
Smile always. Needless to say, smiling gives us joy. If at times we don't feel like smiling, a speaker once said, force a smile for about 10 minutes. Sooner or later, we're affected by the smile that we get to carry it for the rest of the time. A saying goes, "If you're happy, don't forget to notify your face."
Honor Christ in word and deed. Is our speech destructive or upbuilding? Do our actions reflect Christ within us? If we truly are Christians, we have to live out our identity.
Integrity of Character simply means that our actions should coincide with our words. Promises made, promises kept. Your word is your bond.
Praise Him at all times. Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise--the fruit of lips that confess his name (Hebrews 13:15). Let us be generous with our praise. God gives us life everyday, let us praise and thank Him always.
Let us live a life of worship. May all we do be blessed by God. Let us worship Him in Spirit and truth.
Thursday, August 5, 2010

amen to this kirby! :)
thanks for the comments. God bless you!
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