Monday, June 30, 2014

Desire, Depend, and Delight in God's Grace

God's Grace, a gift not earned nor deserved. Like a birthday gift; we didn't actually "earn" to be born in this world to merit a gift every year. Nor did we have to "deserve" being born; we simply came to be by the miracle of pro-creation. Grace "depends entirely on God's gratuitous initiative, for he alone can reveal and give himself." (Catechism of the Catholic Church 1998) Grace though, to be received as a gift, we have to be there -- and not be lost in our sinfulness. We have to be "present for the present (gift)". That is why repentance---by the inner prompting of the Holy Spirit--- is the first step to once again be available for His grace; having that faith in Jesus, that through the power of the Holy Spirit, we will be sustained and strengthened.  We humbly ask for this free gift, so we become true followers of Jesus -- desiring, depending, and delighting on His grace that enables and ennobles.

Therefore, first, desire Grace. Do we want to receive it? Are we too proud that we can go through life on our own without grace?  Our desire for Grace is manifested in our actions.  Going to Mass and confession as often as we can shows our desire.

Second, depend on Grace. It is not that we do not work at all and just wait for good things to happen. Depending on grace is acknowledging that our all our efforts and successes are there because God gave it -- He blessed it, and will continue blessing.  By his grace we achieve; we are able to serve; we endure suffering; we are able to provide for ourselves and for others. "Grace is favor, the free and undeserved help that God gives us to respond to his call to become children of God...". (CCC 1996) By depending on grace, we are sanctified -- made holy, and therefore strong.

Lastly, delight in Grace. There is true happiness in the realization of grace for "Grace is a participation in the life of God (CCC 1997)."  We delight in God, in His grace.  Happiness, which eludes many of us, can only be attained by His Grace. For "the grace of the Holy Spirit has the power to justify us, that is, to cleanse us from our sins and to communicate to us "the righteousness of God...". (CCC 1987) It is when we are truly free from the enslavement of sin and when we are  living in his righteousness can we experience indescribable joy!
May we be like Mary---who is full of Grace---ever desiring, depending, and delighting in God! 

1. Am I responding to the grace of the Holy Spirit within me that prods for repentance?
2. Is living in the Grace of God something I desire?

Friday, June 27, 2014

Step Back

Once in a while, let's step back. Step back: to appreciate beauty; to realize our purpose; and to sense God's will. For it is in stepping back that we can relentlessly move forward with conviction and certitude.

Appreciate beauty, for it enriches the soul. There are just too many things that we take for granted.  Behold... beauty is before us! Take a second look at creation, our loved ones, the Gospels -- our own lives!  The beauty of God's handiwork and His wisdom is more than enough to fill us---and---to knock sense into us that life is a gift that we need to fully open and appreciate more.

Realize your purpose! Sometimes busyness, ironically, can be a comfort zone.  For as long as we are doing something urgent, we run with it -- 'til we become cranky and overly stressed. When one does something difficult, but with a purpose, it's passion.  When one is stressed (even in menial matters), it is often a symptom of a misplaced purpose. Realizing our purpose is knowing that what we do contributes to a bigger goal -- towards a dream that is worth all the hardships and "shipwrecks", as in St. Paul's missionary experience.

Sense God's will in prayer.  Amidst a hurried and noisy world, contemplation is becoming less in practice. The voice we hear is often our own, and we as human beings, are not fully reliable; for sin mars sound judgement and only in God can we find peace and direction for our lives. Without prayer, we are lost! What can matter more than doing God's will?  He, Whose only intent is to give what is best for us. 

In stepping back, we can face the future with more confidence -- emboldened by gratefulness, mission, and divine guidance. Therefore one should not discount the value of a rest day, a recollection, a retreat, or a lengthened time of prayer; for these can be the very "pit stops" that will equip us to zoom towards our true and eternal destination with our Father in heaven.  

"In those days he departed to the mountain to pray, and he spent the night in prayer
to God." (Luke 6:12)

1. What has been stressing you lately?
2. When do you plan to "step back" for a while? Schedule your personal recollection or retreat.

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