Saturday, April 23, 2011

Winning Our Battles Within

I came across the song, "Sunday Bloody Sunday" by U2.  In my grade school years, I always woke up with U2 songs being played by my brothers while preparing for school.  I love it's beat and the passionate way Bono sang it.  So, I researched some facts about the song. Here's what I got from
There are two Bloody Sundays in Irish history. The first was in 1920 when British troops fired into the crowd at a football match in Dublin in retaliation for the killing of British undercover agents. The second was on January 30, 1972, when British paratroopers killed 13 Irish citizens at a civil rights protest in Derry, Northern Ireland. The song is more about the second Bloody Sunday. 

The song reflects on the reality of war and conflict in our world.  It expresses the longing for peace and unity. I particularly like the part when this stanza is sang:

 "How long must we sing this song? How long? How long? Cause tonight we can be as one, tonight." 

What are the battles that rage within us? Are there conflicts between our faith and in our personal integrity?  How long must we endure our internal conflicts, when we can decide to be one with Christ?"

It's almost Easter Sunday.  I look forward to the celebration of victory over sin won by Christ through His resurrection. According to more of the facts about the song, "Bono was trying to contrast the 1972 Bloody Sunday massacre with Easter Sunday, a peaceful day Protestants and Catholics both celebrate ("  He cites at the last stanza of the song, "The real battle just begun to claim the victory Jesus won.."

Three things we can do to win our internal battles:

1. Surrender to God all your weaknesses.
     Surrendering means giving up our pride, our reasoning, our excuses for sin.  We admit our failures and we declare to God that we need Him to heal us.  Going to confession is a concrete step of surrendering.

2. Submit to His Love
      Know that God's Love is greater than anything we can imagine. Yes, greater than our sins.  We may feel unworthy of His love, but He urges us to accept it and be transformed by it.

3. Seek Support from a Community or a Friend who loves Christ 
      The devil continues to distract and lure us into these battles.  An act of humility would be to confide to someone who can guide and mentor us in our life as a follower of Christ.  Having a community will give us encouragement and wisdom to win over temptations and sin.

Let us acknowledge God's power over sin. Jesus conquered death to show us that in Him we will win and gain new life.  He will make us strong and we shall rise victorious with Him in resurrection.


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