Saturday, August 4, 2012

Ask Why

Any goal, no matter how big can be organized into chunks of smaller, achievable milestones. The bigger challenge is to actually first understand the full intent of the goal or vision. The design of these "smaller chunks" whether an event, product, or deal will greatly depend on it's intent.
Many will go through the motions or "with the flow" without understanding the intent. They soon find themselves tired, uninspired, or even lost. The intent of the goal answers "The Why." Surprisingly only few people ask why and also less leaders explain why.
One can start to ask, "Why am I in my current job?" or "Why am I in this group?" Or "Why am I taking this course?."
Asking "why" is not a sign of a lack of faith, rather it is an indicator of having great interest in the very thing you believe in.
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