Sunday, February 17, 2013

Encouraging Others to Succeed

Last month, our kids had a Sportsfest in school which involved us, the parents. They belonged to different teams according to their level. We were cheering on the sides, giving them the encouragement they needed. We'd shout, "Go Sev!" or "You can do it Kaitlyn!" We cheered on to make them strive harder and to diffuse their doubts. Our kids won some medals and we were very proud of them.

Are you an "encourager?" Do you cheer for other people to help them succeed? The world we live in is very competitive and we find ourselves in this race to success. We strive to reach our goals, so we work hard and jump at opportunities. We tend to look at our status and ask ourselves, "How am I doing compared to my peers?" While we are busy trying to reach the top to get the gold, there are those who are left behind and struggling. The question is, "Do we even care?"

Christ does.

He came from heaven to earth, died on the cross, and rose from the grave so people may join Him in the ultimate finish line...heaven. To achieve a relationship with Jesus is the true gold medal in life. There can be no real success apart from the Lord.

How can we help others succeed in life and in their salvation?

1. Praise others for their strengths.

Each of us is endowed with a gift. This gift is something that we do better than most people. When we recognize this in a person, remind him of how good he is with this talent. This positive input can go a long way in boosting one's confidence.  This will be a source of affirmation and will help in pressing on when times get rough.

2. Support others in their weaknesses.

Instead of just criticizing, loving correction is a better option. When we criticize, we just simply say something negative. When we correct, we first discuss the strong points then identify the areas for improvement, in the most loving way. We encourage him or her to strive harder. We cheer them on.  When a correction is due, the usual problem is that we do not want to experience the discomfort in confronting the person. When a person hears feedback by means of gossip, this will pull him down and even cause anger. Supporting others in their weaknesses will let them realize that there are still people who love and care for them.

3. Lead them to Christ.

The best way to help people succeed is to lead them to Christ, Who wants us to live in abundance. Our hope should be in Christ and not in money, fame, or power. The devil lures mankind to the wrong kind of success. Satan offers fake gold which fades.  The evil one leads the proud to the finish line of suffering and torment. In Jesus, even if we will just live a simple lifestlye, our joy will be immense.

Along the way, some people cheered us on to be able to achieve our goals at the moment. Let us thank these people. Now, it is our turn to cheer for others, even if we ourselves are currently struggling. For it is in giving encouragement that we ourselves also gain it. When we become selfless, we transcend to a higher idea of fulfillment and success. I honor the educators who use their intelligence, skills, and even pass up financial opportunities in order to mold young minds. They find their joy in seeing their students succeed in life. Like our parents, they too are our avid cheerleaders on the sidelines while we run towards our goals of learning. Their example help us understand that for everybody to win, we have to put others first.

So we cheer each other on towards growing in our faith. Go, go, go for Christ! We can do it for the Lord!


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