Lately, I keep on hearing the song, Billionaire by Travie McCoy. It seems that much of the people around the world, want to be a billionaire. Many make this their highest ideal. What are our ideals? Are they based on money, position, or fame?
If we believe that all things come from God, then we would have a different perspective on our ideals in life. We must remember that we are only stewards, not owners. With this in mind, our highest ideal should not be money, position, or fame. Our highest ideal should be loving God. Jesus commands us:
You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.' (Matthew 12:30)
Loving God with all our heart and soul means deciding to love Him with all of our will. This includes both feelings and intellect. Loving God with all our mind means filling our thoughts with His Word and using our intelligence to spread His gospel. Loving God with all our strength pertains to being stewards and using our effort, time, money, possessions, influence, to spread His kingdom on earth.
If we pursue our goals in life by loving God as our ideal, then things will be clearer for us. It may be a difficult transition, but the best part is having clarity in our direction. When going into a business, we can ask ourselves, "Will this business lead me to loving God or compromising God?" When we devote much time and money to achieve success in our work or studies, we probe our minds, "If I love God, am I using my time and money to help expand God's kingdom on earth?"
Let us make loving God our highest ideal, and we shall see our lives fall right into place.
Saturday, October 16, 2010

I was just telling a Pastor friend of mine the very same thing today. Yes, if we make God The Highest in our lives, then He become our standard for VICTORY.
Therefore temptations become minimal to us. When referring to temptations, I am referring to all things that fall out of prophetic alignment with what God has spoken about His people.
This means that ALL VICTORY no matter what the need is can be accomplished through GOD'S exaltation in our lives. Jesus said that" IfI be lifted up from the earth, I'll draw all men unto me.
This also speaks to church growth. When pastors remember who God is in contrast to themselves, they too will begin to see God move in powerful ways that will empower them to exponential growth as well as spiritual development. In other words, we will only be able to accomplish what God want us to unless we all realize that GOD JUST GOD, IS GOD ALL BY HIMSELF..No matter what we face.
Amen. I am reminded that We are loving God because God loved us first. God bless you always.
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