2010 was rough and tough, but abundant in grace. A year of great challenges, fulfilled dreams, and wonderful friendships. I thank the KFC family, who showed me how it is to Dream Big and to make big dreams real. Yes, we are out to change the world for Christ, and with Him nothing is impossible. The Island Kids Villages and the 13th IKV in Singapore will forever be testimonies of the great faith we share in the Lord and how our brotherhood can conquer impossible feats. To the KFC fulltimers, thank you for sharing your love with my wife and kids. Sev never fails to include your names in his prayers. We will, forever be, FAMILY! Thank you for 3 Spirit-filled years in the service with the Lord.
My 2010 journey has taught me a lot. Allow me to share a summary of lessons I learned from the year that was:
Value your faith, family, and friends. Many things may change in our lives, but these 3 F's, we have to treasure and guard well. For if we lose them, we may have lost our whole life.
Do not be afraid to dream. Our goals do not hold meaning if they are not faith goals. Our goals, offered to God, is one of the best ways to honor Him. At the end of the day, we only hope that our dreams will coincide with God's dreams for us. But He always, always has a better plan for our lives.
Peace will be given to those who seek it. The path to peace, specially in discernment, is a rough road. Prayer, patience, persistence, and sacrifice will help us along the way.
2011 for me will be about "serving God with humility, passion, and excellence." Taking on a new service in the International Missions, meeting new people, and learning new ways will once again bring me to a point of "nothingness." Once more I will be a student, learning from my predecessors, making some mistakes, and challenging myself to do better at each time. Once again, I am brought on my knees in prayer, submitting to God in full dependence. For I yet not know what lies ahead and it is up to Him to bless me with His wisdom.
Have a blessed new year everyone. May God reign in all our plans and actions.
So whoever is in Christ is a new creation: the old things have passed away; behold, new things have come (2 Cor. 5:17)
Friday, December 31, 2010
Friday, December 24, 2010
A Christmas Reflection
Jesus was born in a manger. I remember when Michelle and I had our first born, Sev. We only wanted the best for his delivery. Born in a hospital, with the care of doctors and nurses, with advanced technology, and sterilized equipment and sanitized environment. While God's only begotten Son, was born in a home for animals, with shepherds to support them, and with hay to cushion Jesus as he laid in a manger.
Even as a baby, Jesus wanted to teach us about humility. When the inn keeper had no room for Jesus' birth, they settled for a stable. There are times when we experience rejection, intentionally or unintentionally, yet He tells us to absorb the harshness of this world and stay focused on His love, His mercy and His mission for our lives.
We can be likened to a manger. A manger is a trough or box of carved stone or wood construction used to hold food for animals (Wikipedia). No one would want to be identified with something that's used for animal feeding. When we sin, when we are in shame, we are like that manger, dirty and filthy. Yet Christ comes to us, and is born for us and in us.
God is with us, Emmanuel! God's Son born into the world to save us. A prophecy fulfilled, yet many refuse to accept that the King of kings and Savior of mankind is someone born in such poor circumstance (besides being born in a stall, he was being hunted by Herod), grows up as a carpenter, and would end His life on earth by being put to shame on a cross. Like many of us, we have gone through difficulties and are struggling with our sinful ways, yet the Lord wants us to share in His glory, in His Kingdom. We need only to accept Him as Savior and turn away from sin.
He is with us! It's Christmas!
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
The Best Gift
The 13th IKV's final day was truly empowering! Bro. Nic Escalona gave an inspiring talk to the kids, sharing how he was also a KFC member. He said something that struck me, "The greatest gift that my parents gave me was to bring me to Kids For Christ."
This Christmas season, everyone is busy buying gifts for their loved ones. We think of what will make that person happy and feel special. The best gift we can ever give to someone is an invitation to a life with Jesus. Christ is the gift Himself. God our Father, sent His Son Jesus, to bring us the gift of salvation. Now, that's Christmas.
This Christmas season, everyone is busy buying gifts for their loved ones. We think of what will make that person happy and feel special. The best gift we can ever give to someone is an invitation to a life with Jesus. Christ is the gift Himself. God our Father, sent His Son Jesus, to bring us the gift of salvation. Now, that's Christmas.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Are You Crazy?
Today, I was going around the venue of the 13th IKV to catch up with friends, coordinators, and fellow missionaries whom I haven't seen in months. Most of them hosted me while I went on mission to their country or province in the past 3 years. Some are new friends who share the same exciting vision for God's work of spreading His mission. While talking to them, I can't help but feel inspired and energized that there are many "crazy" people out there, like me, who believe in giving their all to bring Christ to new territories. Crazy is what we might seem to many of our friends and even kin. Crazy for putting in so much of our time and resources to do something that may not enrich us financially. Crazy for devoting ourselves to a way of life that may cause us to be ridiculed in school or in the workplace. Crazy for committing our lives to Jesus Christ.
But we are reminded by the words of St. Paul, "For the wisdom of this world is foolishness before God (1 Cor. 3:19). We therefore have to choose; to look crazy before man or to look crazy before God?
Let us take on this challenge to be righteous before God even if it means to look foolish to the world. As long as we continue evangelizing, soon enough, inch by inch, step by step, one person at a time, being "crazy" would eventually mean not to accept Jesus as your personal Savior.
But we are reminded by the words of St. Paul, "For the wisdom of this world is foolishness before God (1 Cor. 3:19). We therefore have to choose; to look crazy before man or to look crazy before God?
Let us take on this challenge to be righteous before God even if it means to look foolish to the world. As long as we continue evangelizing, soon enough, inch by inch, step by step, one person at a time, being "crazy" would eventually mean not to accept Jesus as your personal Savior.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Like a Child
Just finished the 1st day of the 13th International Kids Village in Singapore. I'm very inspired by the countries who joined namely Brunei, Canada, Indonesia, Malaysia, Qatar, Seychelles, Australia, China, United Kingdom, Singapore, and the Philippines. Seeing kids expressing their convictions as World Changers inspires and excites me of the future. I heard them saying, "I can change the world by taking care of our earth." Another one said, "I can change the world by telling others about Jesus." And from other kids, "I can change the world by helping the poor" and "I can change the world by obeying my parents and loving my family."
Simple yet, powerful statements that come from their pure hearts. I guess when we grow up, we tend to lose our ideals. Suddenly, we don't really want to change the world, we just want to pay our bills and move on with our own lives. It's as if our ideals have been reduced to saying, "As long as me and my family are secure, the rest of the world can take care of their own problems." We are influenced by the materialism of this world to think only of ourselves. Many of us have become "me-centric."
Let us therefore be child-like. And he said: "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 18:3).
Children are dependent of their parents. Just like us, we have to be dependent to our Father in heaven, to Jesus, and Mother Mary. Our sense of independence from God, and "unconsciously" not needing Him by neglecting to set our prayer time leads us to rely on our own strength. We need God, period.
Children like to discover things. Kids are curious. They are always excited, because they know that they will experience many things for the first time. My 3-year old son, Sev, when entering the cinema for the first time said, "wow Dad, a big TV!" My son is fascinated with many things, specially animals like the Zebra and the Hippopotamus. Every time we pray and open the Bible, God has something new for us to discover. We just have to be curious like a child and continue to be fascinated with His Word.
Children believe in God 100%. When we teach our kids about Christ, in pure faith, they know that He created the world. They know that Jesus loves them. Kids believe that Jesus is their Super Hero who saves all of us from our sins. It is this kind of faith, that makes them idealistic in being World Changers. They just know that God will help them do many impossible things.
Let us pause for a while, and look at the world around us. There is a real need for change, to restore the world back to God's original plan. But we first have to change ourselves by being child-like. We are to be changed by Christ, and the rest will follow.
Mother Teresa said, If you cannot feed a hundred people, then feed just one." She also said that, "Each one of them is Jesus in disguise."
Simple yet, powerful statements that come from their pure hearts. I guess when we grow up, we tend to lose our ideals. Suddenly, we don't really want to change the world, we just want to pay our bills and move on with our own lives. It's as if our ideals have been reduced to saying, "As long as me and my family are secure, the rest of the world can take care of their own problems." We are influenced by the materialism of this world to think only of ourselves. Many of us have become "me-centric."
Let us therefore be child-like. And he said: "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 18:3).
Children are dependent of their parents. Just like us, we have to be dependent to our Father in heaven, to Jesus, and Mother Mary. Our sense of independence from God, and "unconsciously" not needing Him by neglecting to set our prayer time leads us to rely on our own strength. We need God, period.
Children like to discover things. Kids are curious. They are always excited, because they know that they will experience many things for the first time. My 3-year old son, Sev, when entering the cinema for the first time said, "wow Dad, a big TV!" My son is fascinated with many things, specially animals like the Zebra and the Hippopotamus. Every time we pray and open the Bible, God has something new for us to discover. We just have to be curious like a child and continue to be fascinated with His Word.
Children believe in God 100%. When we teach our kids about Christ, in pure faith, they know that He created the world. They know that Jesus loves them. Kids believe that Jesus is their Super Hero who saves all of us from our sins. It is this kind of faith, that makes them idealistic in being World Changers. They just know that God will help them do many impossible things.
Let us pause for a while, and look at the world around us. There is a real need for change, to restore the world back to God's original plan. But we first have to change ourselves by being child-like. We are to be changed by Christ, and the rest will follow.
Mother Teresa said, If you cannot feed a hundred people, then feed just one." She also said that, "Each one of them is Jesus in disguise."
Friday, December 17, 2010
We Can Change the World
Now in Singapore and only 2 days to go before the 13th International Kids' Village (IKV). It's really happening. A year ago, it was impossible to many people's opinions to hold the IKV outside the Philippines. There were many hindrances; the cost, the distance, the time of the year (December rush), the fee, to name a few. But it's Christ call that's more important. The call to raise a generation who will Renew the Face of the Earth, a generation of World Changers! The cause is truly greater than the cost. From a previously targeted 400 participants, we are now almost 700 delegates. We had to change our 3rd day venue to accommodate this sudden increase of delegates.
Here are some of my reflections.
We are only limited by our own imagination. Christ has given us all an extraordinary gift, our imagination. He inspires us to dream big for Him, to dare great things for Him. He is honored when we ask from Him what our human mind and strength seemingly cannot achieve. For if we do what we know we can achieve, is there room for God to do His miracles and wonders?
Know that we are part of something bigger than ourselves. If we are not reminded of the 'why,' then the 'how' is hard to come by. People who clearly understand the value of what they are fighting for, will die willingly for the cause. This was evident during medieval times, when nations were conquering nations. For us, it's not only about what we are fighting for, but it's about for whom we are fighting for. We are in this for Jesus Christ. And we are here to spread His kingdom on earth. His mission is totally bigger than ourselves, and there is no time to be self-centered.
Our fear is overcome by our faith and love for God. When treading the unknown and inconveniencing other people along the way, fear creeps in. The amount of fear we have measures our lack of faith. "If it's You Lord, I will go" as Peter would say when about to walk on water. If our faith and love for God is greater than our fears, then we will start to walk on water and see the impossible become possible. He will send the right people and inspire us with His wisdom.
Can we really change the world for Jesus? Sounds impossible, but it is really up to God to make it happen. We only have to heed His call and be available for Him to use us powerfully. Join us, as we dream of a world changed by Christ.
world changers
Thursday, December 16, 2010
A Tribute to Reman Fulguerinas
I remember Reman as a really funny guy. He can make me laugh non-stop when he's around. He is also a very dedicated servant of God, generous with his talents and committed to service. I don't visit Davao very often, but whenever I'm in town we are sure to meet. Reman joined the angels and saints in heaven with our Lord Jesus on December 12, 2010. Michelle and I were in tears when we heard the news. He was a dear friend and a true brother in Christ. My fondest memory of Reman is when he sang in the recording of "Jordan River." It's one of our (me and Mike's) earlier songs back in 2003.
Bro Reman, we know that you are in heaven right now. We'll remember you always. Keep on singing and keep on making everyone there in heaven smiling and laughing. We love you bro.
Here's Reman, singing Jordan River.
Jordan River
Album: Woodstruck (2005)
Reman F.
Intro: D - D/F# - D/G - Bm - D/F# - G
D D/F# G
Deep in my mind I see you
D D/F# G
Deep in my heart I feel you
Bm G D A
I will cross the Jordan River Lord
Em G-A (intro)
Cause I know, I'm with you
Bm F#m
Lord I know, you have a plan for me
Lord you said, have faith and trust in thee
Bm F#m
I will follow, at your every word
Em G A
And I will never be astray
II. (do stanza I c.p.)
I might have fallen, but in you I rise
I might have failed, but in you I will succeed
I believe that you will never leave
So now I entrust my life to you
Bro Reman, we know that you are in heaven right now. We'll remember you always. Keep on singing and keep on making everyone there in heaven smiling and laughing. We love you bro.
Here's Reman, singing Jordan River.
Jordan River
Album: Woodstruck (2005)
Reman F.
Intro: D - D/F# - D/G - Bm - D/F# - G
D D/F# G
Deep in my mind I see you
D D/F# G
Deep in my heart I feel you
Bm G D A
I will cross the Jordan River Lord
Em G-A (intro)
Cause I know, I'm with you
Bm F#m
Lord I know, you have a plan for me
Lord you said, have faith and trust in thee
Bm F#m
I will follow, at your every word
Em G A
And I will never be astray
II. (do stanza I c.p.)
I might have fallen, but in you I rise
I might have failed, but in you I will succeed
I believe that you will never leave
So now I entrust my life to you
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
A Reminder From Job
One week to go before flying to Singapore for the 13th International Kids Village, and I'm down with flu, severe headache, diarrhea, some major family concerns, and our baby Kaitlyn just got sick. It's as if all our problems were being reserved for the whole year just to be poured out on this particular crucial week of preparations. The Lord has blessed us in almost every aspect of the event; great CFC Singapore counterparts, exceeded target participants, dedicated service team, all-out coordinators, and excellent venues, to name a few. But truly the devil will not give up easily. The enemy will explore our weak points and target it.
Sharing to you some realizations while being sick. There are things that we face that are not in our control. For our struggle is not with flesh and blood but with the principalities, with the powers, with the world rulers of this present darkness, with the evil spirits in the heavens (Ephesians 6:12). I did not choose to be sick nor did I choose for my daughter to get sick, nor did we cause some family concerns, it just came, clearly to discourage us, to dishearten us, and to divert our focus.
Second realization, God allows these things to happen so we will become stronger in faith and dependence on Him. And the LORD said to Satan, "Have you noticed my servant Job, and that there is no one on earth like him, faultless and upright, fearing God and avoiding evil? He still holds fast to his innocence although you incited me against him to ruin him without cause." And Satan answered the LORD and said, "Skin for skin! All that a man has will he give for his life. But now put forth your hand and touch his bone and his flesh, and surely he will blaspheme you to your face." And the LORD said to Satan, "He is in your power; only spare his life. (Job 2:3-6)" How convenient for us to blame God when bad things happen, yet unknown to most of us, we are actually letting the devil win over our lives. The easiest thing is to give up on God. The people around Job were already cursing God, yet Job still submitted to the Lord.
Which bring me to my third point: God is ever faithful, ever just, and ever lavish to us . After all that has been lost in Job's life, God has blessed his faithfulness in the end. Thus the LORD blessed the latter days of Job more than his earlier ones. For he had fourteen thousand sheep, six thousand camels, a thousand yoke of oxen, and a thousand she-asses. And he had seven sons and three daughters...(Job 42:12-13).
I pray for all of us who are going through life's struggles at present, that we bring back our focus on the Lord and magnify His power in our lives. May Job's story, all 42 chapters of it remind us that even the most faithful of men go through oppressions, but may it also remind us that God cannot be outdone in His generosity and His will is always the best for our lives.
Sharing to you some realizations while being sick. There are things that we face that are not in our control. For our struggle is not with flesh and blood but with the principalities, with the powers, with the world rulers of this present darkness, with the evil spirits in the heavens (Ephesians 6:12). I did not choose to be sick nor did I choose for my daughter to get sick, nor did we cause some family concerns, it just came, clearly to discourage us, to dishearten us, and to divert our focus.
Second realization, God allows these things to happen so we will become stronger in faith and dependence on Him. And the LORD said to Satan, "Have you noticed my servant Job, and that there is no one on earth like him, faultless and upright, fearing God and avoiding evil? He still holds fast to his innocence although you incited me against him to ruin him without cause." And Satan answered the LORD and said, "Skin for skin! All that a man has will he give for his life. But now put forth your hand and touch his bone and his flesh, and surely he will blaspheme you to your face." And the LORD said to Satan, "He is in your power; only spare his life. (Job 2:3-6)" How convenient for us to blame God when bad things happen, yet unknown to most of us, we are actually letting the devil win over our lives. The easiest thing is to give up on God. The people around Job were already cursing God, yet Job still submitted to the Lord.
Which bring me to my third point: God is ever faithful, ever just, and ever lavish to us . After all that has been lost in Job's life, God has blessed his faithfulness in the end. Thus the LORD blessed the latter days of Job more than his earlier ones. For he had fourteen thousand sheep, six thousand camels, a thousand yoke of oxen, and a thousand she-asses. And he had seven sons and three daughters...(Job 42:12-13).
I pray for all of us who are going through life's struggles at present, that we bring back our focus on the Lord and magnify His power in our lives. May Job's story, all 42 chapters of it remind us that even the most faithful of men go through oppressions, but may it also remind us that God cannot be outdone in His generosity and His will is always the best for our lives.
God's plan,