Today, I was going around the venue of the 13th IKV to catch up with friends, coordinators, and fellow missionaries whom I haven't seen in months. Most of them hosted me while I went on mission to their country or province in the past 3 years. Some are new friends who share the same exciting vision for God's work of spreading His mission. While talking to them, I can't help but feel inspired and energized that there are many "crazy" people out there, like me, who believe in giving their all to bring Christ to new territories. Crazy is what we might seem to many of our friends and even kin. Crazy for putting in so much of our time and resources to do something that may not enrich us financially. Crazy for devoting ourselves to a way of life that may cause us to be ridiculed in school or in the workplace. Crazy for committing our lives to Jesus Christ.
But we are reminded by the words of St. Paul, "For the wisdom of this world is foolishness before God (1 Cor. 3:19). We therefore have to choose; to look crazy before man or to look crazy before God?
Let us take on this challenge to be righteous before God even if it means to look foolish to the world. As long as we continue evangelizing, soon enough, inch by inch, step by step, one person at a time, being "crazy" would eventually mean not to accept Jesus as your personal Savior.
Monday, December 20, 2010

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