The new way to market products and services today is not just giving out samples, but to really give something free at substantial amounts. The money is made when one wants to upgrade from this 'free' service. I just recently paid 5 dollars to gmail to increase storage after using it free after all these years. In the Philippines, for about two years or so, the introduction of text/sms service was free until they charged 1 peso for every txt when it became a necessity. Recently, offers a free 5gb free upload of files and they are offering website owners their S3 service that allows unlimited space for your website needs. But soon enough people will need more or a new attached upgrade will be introduced. Also lately, amazon's digital book sales surpassed its paper books by selling the kindle ebook readers cheap and offering free 3g globally. This free service makes it easier for people to buy books with a few clicks at anytime instead of driving to the bookstore and spend much time searching for the book and queuing to pay. Now ipad2 also offers the free 3g option for people to conveniently buy from the istore, besides getting to check your facebook anytime.
The goal for the companies is not to profit initially but build up patronage and loyalty until the inevitable comes: the need to have more, for convenience, to save time, to be mobile, to be up to date, to be ahead, to make it a lifestyle.
Let me clarify, this post isn't a rant. It is an observation of how technology, open-sourcing, cloud computing, and all these other trends is reshaping human behavior. We can learn from this 'free' approach. Specially in bringing people to Christ. All of mankind need Christ in their lives, many just don't know it yet. We have to let them experience Christ through us.
Jesus knew the value of this approach. The first time He met His apostles, He didn't right out say that He's God in the flesh. He just said, follow me and I'll make you fishers of men. Later on, after many parables, miracles, teachings... all these experiences with Christ, He then asked Peter, "Who do you say I am?" And Peter replied, "You are the Christ." It was after all these moments being with Jesus, that they themselves discovered that He is the Messiah.
Are we letting others FREELY experience Christ through us? Evangelization is not 'hard selling' or even 'soft selling' the faith. It's about being the 'product' of Christ's saving grace by giving His love FREELY to others. Our goal is to make Christianity a lifestyle, a necessity, that everyday we just want more and more of Jesus Christ.
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless handheld

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