God prepares us for His mission by melting us and molding us. Melting requires much of disfiguring the present form using fire. Remove the impurities from silver, and the sterling will be ready for the silversmith (Proverbs 25:4).There are many things that have to melt so we can take on the form that God plans us to be molded into. He wants to melt away our pride, fears, hurtful memories, bondages, addiction, and all of our sinful ways. But the process of melting is a painful process. As the fire of the Holy Spirit melts us, we are humbled into liquid form. Being liquid, we are disfigured from our past form, shape, or identity. This usually goes through a process of humiliation and shame. But this process leads us to the servant level, the point of nothingness, making God our only hope and redemption. When humbled, the Lord can mold us at will for His will. We are then convinced that real mission can only succeed with His hand upon it using our new mold to fit the purpose He has prepared for us to fulfill. But we are always reminded that the Lord cannot melt and mold us if we do not surrender to the fire of His holy will.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

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