Saturday, October 1, 2011

The Value of Starting Small

Those who think big know the value of starting small.  We can launch something massively, but risk failing massively as well. And it's hard to pick up the pieces.  We can never undervalue the practice of prototyping. With prototyping or sampling, comes the challenge of being patient, observant, and diligent.

Do you have a big idea? How long then will it take you to make a prototype or organize a sample group? Do you plan on writing a book? When will you start making the first chapter of that book and let your friends give a feedback?  Do you want to write a song? Then write down the first line and hum the first couple of notes.
Are there big decisions that paralyze us? One who feels the call to priesthood starts off first with a vocation retreat or a search-in.  One who wishes to invest big in business starts off first selling a few samples. Our paralysis can be overcome by doing small steps that will help us feel that it is the right direction to go.  Praying daily can help us discover where God is leading us, rather than just praying one time big time and plunging into the decision right away.

With a small group or sample, we can adjust, correct, and improve. When it's time to replicate, much of the lessons have already been learned and the success rate is higher. 

We notice that Jesus spent much of his time with his 12 apostles. In his 3 years of public life, he never went as far as 100 miles from his home. Yet, look at how globally spread Christianity has become. God even sampled the Israelites, His chosen people, for all of us to learn from.  

Achieve great things by patiently starting small.


katherina said...

Thanks for this. It reminded me of a lot of things. I struggle with the thought that I haven't been able to pursue my dream of writing and being a songwriter because I am cooped up in a corporate job to provide financial stability for young people I support in my ministry (not to mention parental obligations). But I like how you pointed out that Jesus' world was relatively small compared to how Christianity made its reach globally until today.

Kirby said...

Thanks for sharing Katherina. May God bless you more in your noble job. May you find the time to pursue your dreams.

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