Everybody (well, the men) is talking about this NBA phenom from Harvard, Jeremy Lin. This guy comes out of the bench of the New York Knicks and suddenly does wonders for the team. In one of his games, he scored 38 points against the Lakers bagging them the win. Not only that, he is excellent in giving assists, making his other team mates even better. What I like about him is that he is a religious person. In one interview, He openly expressed his faith and said, "...this whole journey is a blessing from God."

Most people today will attribute their success solely on their hardwork, intelligence, and talent. In this modern age, God is being put out of the picture. In 2010, the Pope formed the Pontifical Council on New Evangelization because of the problem of secularization in the first world. He mentions,
"The process of secularization has produced a serious crisis of the sense of the Christian faith and role of the Church", and the new pontifical council would "promote a renewed evangelization" in countries where the Church has long existed "but which are living a progressive secularization of society and a sort of 'eclipse of the sense of God'."
It's good to know that famous people like Jeremy Lin, is bringing God back into the picture. Truly, a new evangelization is needed. Let us then take every opportunity to
proclaim the greatness of the Lord (Luke 1:46) by being Christ's witnesses in this fast-paced and success-driven modern society.
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