"The sword that brings life." This was one of the philosophies of the Kamiya Dojo as depicted in the movie Rouroni Kenshin. It's actually a movie based on a famous anime series in the late 90's, Samurai X. Apparently the protagonist, Kenshin, have turned away from his life as an assassin and embraced a non-violent way of life and pledged never to take life again. This became his conviction, despite others telling him that his notion was a joke.
The Word of God which is the Sword of the Spirit, brings us life. Everytime we practice with the Word and apply it, we become more attuned to it. I have heard from somewhere that "The Samurai practices with his katana, until sword and soldier become one." Using the analogy of a sword as a way of using God's Word helps us in understanding it's great value and power. Interestingly, the words "word and sword" only have the letter "s" as a difference. We can say that S-stands for Spirit, and therefore the Sword is the Spirit's Word. That is why when we face the day without God's Word, we are open and defenseless to the attacks from the evil one.
Let the Sword of the Spirit defend us and give us life eternal, for Christ is the Word made flesh. Let us stand firm with conviction, even if people tell us that the Christian way of life is a joke. In Lineamenta 7, it says "This is the form of Christian martyria in today's world, engaging in dialogue even with the recent forms of a militant atheism or an extreme secularism, whose purpose is to eliminate the subject of God from human life." As we battle evil in today's world, we are called to be new martyrs for the new evangelization, making a Christian stand amidst atheism and secularism. Let us live and die for Christ, using the Sword of the Spirit that brings us life eternal.
The Word of God which is the Sword of the Spirit, brings us life. Everytime we practice with the Word and apply it, we become more attuned to it. I have heard from somewhere that "The Samurai practices with his katana, until sword and soldier become one." Using the analogy of a sword as a way of using God's Word helps us in understanding it's great value and power. Interestingly, the words "word and sword" only have the letter "s" as a difference. We can say that S-stands for Spirit, and therefore the Sword is the Spirit's Word. That is why when we face the day without God's Word, we are open and defenseless to the attacks from the evil one.
Let the Sword of the Spirit defend us and give us life eternal, for Christ is the Word made flesh. Let us stand firm with conviction, even if people tell us that the Christian way of life is a joke. In Lineamenta 7, it says "This is the form of Christian martyria in today's world, engaging in dialogue even with the recent forms of a militant atheism or an extreme secularism, whose purpose is to eliminate the subject of God from human life." As we battle evil in today's world, we are called to be new martyrs for the new evangelization, making a Christian stand amidst atheism and secularism. Let us live and die for Christ, using the Sword of the Spirit that brings us life eternal.
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