Friday, April 19, 2013

Why History Is Important

The way to move forward is to have an understanding of the past.  History tells us,"we have done this, learn from it, build on it." An appreciation of history helps one become a visionary leader.  The farther we see the past, the farther we see the future. Often, one does not know his way forward because he doesn't know where he's been. 

If we take time at night to evaluate our day, tomorrow will surely be better. Each day is an opportunity to improve one's self. I heard from one of my leaders say, "The path to holiness is to become the best version of yourself." I also heard from a song, "I love you more today, than yesterday." Have we become more loving to others today, as compared to yesterday? Are we the best version of ourselves today?

If one knows much about the past, he should take time to write it and teach the new generation, especially of it's lessons. If one wishes to contribute to the future, he should seek out the pioneers and derive wisdom from their stories. This is how ideals survive and thrive. Let not what you start die with you and let not what you inherit be partial.


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