matter how far we travel for mission or how difficult our tasks, no one
can surpass how far Jesus---the Eternal Logos, the Word---"traveled" to
accomplish his mission, out of pure love, to save us. He who
condescended from heaven; incarnated into human history; chose to be
poor; obedient even in suffering and death; rose to raise us up with Him
-- is unsurpassed, and is unsurpassable, as a missionary.
"As the Father has sent me, so I send you" (John 20:21), implies that
we too, are all called to mission -- to go the distance, according to
the talents and abilities God has uniquely endowed us; to endure in
faith despite the odds: all for the glory of God Who wills to save His
children in love and freedom!
Tuesday, July 1, 2014

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