Tuesday, October 12, 2010

No More Turning Back

To do something as if it was our last act brings out the best in us. When we no longer have our comfort zones to go back to, then we are forced to be focused and do everything to win. Hernan Cortes, a Spaniard who sailed to Mexico, had to burn his ships, so that he and his men had no other choice but to win against the Aztecs and conquer the land.

"Just as Cortes's men saw their ships as insurance, you may see this fallback as a blessing - but in fact it is a curse. It divides you. Because you think you have options, you never involve yourself deeply enough in one thing to do it thoroughly, and you never quite get what you want. Sometimes you need to run your ships aground, burn them, and leave yourself just one option: succeed or go down." Robert Greene

Sun-tzu also had this in mind:

"Without a way to retreat, Sun-tzu argued, an army fights with double or triple the spirit it would have on open terrain, because death is viscerally present."

Jesus expressed this principle, as written in Luke 9:62, "Jesus replied, "No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God.""

What hinders us from attaining our goals in life? Do we have "safety ships" waiting in case we retreat, get tired, or disheartened? What hinders us from fully serving the Lord? Do we still have vices and other temptations that are easily accessible at anytime? What makes us mediocre in our work, service, and family? Are we forgetting the importance of our roles and the consequences of procastination?

Let us dedicate ourselves to our God, forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead (Phil 3:13). No more turning back. Burn your "ships" if you must. Our undivided attention and focus on Christ will result to great things in building God's kingdom. In our daily work and studies, we have to realize that life is short and we only get one chance to live. Let us choose the quality of our actions. Let us act as if our tasks were our last.


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