Monday, July 25, 2011

Fishers of Men in the Internet Age

So I was with my wife doing groceries. We came upon the frozen section and saw fish for sale. Some alive, some frozen, some chopped, some processed. I was reflecting on being fishers of men.
Before, in the time of Jesus on earth, fishermen simply had boats and nets to catch fish. When I visited a wharf in San Diego, they have a GPS (Global Positioning Satellite) attached to some fish so they can easily find where the rest of the school of fish are located.
2,000 years ago the disciples just traveled by foot or by animal and they preached without a sound system. Today, we have air travel, telecommunications, internet, media and etc. We might say that it is easier to "fish" these days. But then again along with progress and technological advances, is also the challenge of an even more rapid spread of evil. Temptations are just a click away and so are nuclear wars.
So how do we become fishers of men in today's rapidly changing world? Here are some ideas:
1. Upgrade: Ride the tide of change with Christ
There are now millions of people in facebook alone. If we were to fish, we cast our nets there. What are we innovating in our evangelization approach so we can reach the millions on-line? When Jesse James was asked why he robbed banks, he said, "That's where the money is." Well, definitely the internet is where the people are. If you think of it, the globe is reduced to the size of your screen when you go online. Let's upgrade and be students once more. It is after all an indicator of humility when one is open to learn new things.
2. Witness: Be Firm with your Christ-centered principles.
It is easy to compromise, specially when 'everyone else is doing it.' The secularized mind set can even justify corruption as, "I'm doing it for my family." When faced with peer pressure, we can be tempted to say, "We now live in a modern age." When we compromise our values and principles, we actually lose "fish." When we fail to be a true witnesses of God in school or in the workplace, we turn them off and they get away. The availability of worldly temptations today is stagerring. We have to learn to tighten God's belt of truth around our waste and stand firm in our faith. The "fish" will come if we have integrity and love in us.
3. Commune: Don't lose your touch.
I read in a news column the other day that "We are the most connected and most disconnected generation." While it's faster, easier, and free to communicate on-line or mobile, we also bypass a lot of personal connectivity. We might be digitally messaging our friends often, but it will also mean a lot to hand-write a personal note to them specially in important occasions. While it is convenient to text how people are, nothing will still replace paying them a visit. Let us still be a real community amidst a virtual orientation of the new generation. Being fishers of men, the personal touch still holds great value and power. Don't lose it.
As fishers of men, we pray, "Lord give me strength to bring someone to you today." They say, when men don't fish, they fight. Let us get busy catching men and women for the Lord, specially in this technologically advanced era.


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