Sunday, July 24, 2011

We Are All Pilgrims

I had a service-filled day. I gave a talk in Rizal in the morning and went to Las Pinas in the late afternoon 'til late evening for another talk.  It was a whole day of commuting and asking directions to get to the venues.  I'm usually the type that easily gets lost, but today I easily found my way.  I asked the right people and took the right jeepney and bus routes and asked where to stop.  Which makes me reflect on life's direction in a general sense.

Are we asking the right people?

In discerning for a path to take, we usually pick relevant people to confide with, so we can get a clearer idea on the right decisions to make.  These people are the ones who care for us or an authority on the course we are treading.  He is someone who has been down that road before and can warn us of the dangers ahead.  He is someone who has wisdom because of his past mistakes and is willing to let you benefit from his learning.

Is the route we are taking heading to God's direction?

The path we take may bring us closer to God or farther from Him.  Money and esteem may lure us at the expense of a life less spent in the service of the Lord and an environment that compromises our moral code.  I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves (Matthew 10:16). 

When do you know that you have arrived?

Greed is an insatiable lust that cries out..."More, more, more."  It will not satisfy.  It will not stop until greed becomes your cause of death. For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord (Romans 6:23).  I talked to a friend who shared to me that he could have expanded his company, but decided not to. He said, "I have enough already and I'm happy with what I have.  With this I can have more time to serve God." Paint a picture of what state of life will truly make you happy.  Paint again another picture of the state of life that can truly make God happy.  Get to where God is, and you will know that you have arrived.

A pilgrim is someone who undertakes a long journey for a sacred or spiritual cause (unknown author).  We are all pilgrims on this earth, searching for the place that we can say, "I have arrived."  I'm pretty sure that place is called heaven.  But while on earth we continue to ask and search how to get there.  And the best way is to know the way, the truth, and the life...Jesus Christ.


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