Thursday, September 1, 2011

Ethics and Ethos

I learned today, from a Theology of the Body course given by Fr. Joel Jason, about Ethics and Ethos. Simply stated, ethics is about what is written or the 'letter of the law.' Ethos is about the intent, desire or 'spirit of the law.'
An example could be, motorcycle drivers on the ethics or the written law on 'wearing helmets.' Many of them wear it because it is the law and they will get caught if they will violate it. But the spirit behind it, the ethos, would be about the wearing of the helmet so that the motorists will be protected and safe from an accident impact.
Another example is about the Ten Commandments. It is the written Law, a covenant with God, the ethics. But we have to follow these commandments at the Ethos level. The spirit behind the law is more important. On the commandment, Thou shall not steal, at the ethics level, we follow this because the law will have consequences if not obeyed. But we have to bring it at the ethos level wherein there is a genuine intent not to steal at the heart of man.
Thinking and abiding at the Ethos level will make our lives richer, more meaningful. We also have to look at our laws and it's real intent. Some laws do not conform to God's intent and natural plan, like many anti-life laws.
A good example given was about chastity and abstinence. Fr. Joel laid down this principle: "Not everyone who is abstinent is chaste, and not everyone who is chaste is abstinent." Abstaining is about the external action, while chastity is about the purity of our thoughts and feelings. It doesn't always mean that our thoughts and intentions are chaste when we abstain. Someone who abstains from pre-marital or extra-marital sex might also be addicted to pornography. For the reversal, those who are not abstinent, like married couples may be having intercourse but yet do not have chaste minds and may be using each other as mere sexual objects. To be chaste is to bring it at the ethos level.
Do we follow God's commands and our obligations at the Ethos level? Let us regard the rules and laws that put our lives in order at it's intent, at it's spirit.
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