I heard from one of my leaders a simple process of empowerment. It's "see one, do one, teach one." Being a keen observer and absorber is important in the "see one" process. In learning, we first witness how things are done and the kind of culture and environment we are in. We see how transactions are made. We see how our mentors handle their meetings and dealings. We see how a talk or seminar is delivered. We see how products are made. We see one.
"Do one" means being hands-on. Trying out what we have seen. This takes courage for there is a great risk of failure. But by failing, we learn a great deal. It is through this that lessons are imprinted upon us. As we continue to practice, we become better at our craft until we become experts in our field.
What is all our knowledge and experience for if we can't pass it on to someone? "Teach one" is about paying forward. It is now our turn to let others observe what we do. It is our time to mentor those who are new and have the hope that one day this student will surpass us.
Amen, amen, I say to you, whoever believes in me will do the works that I do, and will do greater ones than these, because I am going to the Father (John 14:12).
Thursday, July 8, 2010

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