I was on my way to Laguna riding a commuter van. During this 2-hour trip, at the point when most of us were about to fall asleep, one person in this cramped up van was singing...loudly. He didn't realize the sound level of his voice because he was using ear phones while listening to his mp3 player. All the while he must have thought that he was just whispering the song to himself. So, everyone in the van "secretly" smiled, trying their best to suppress the laughter. By the way, it went on for three(3) full songs before he became aware that he was doing a concert.
Reflecting on this, I realize that there are things in life that we listen to a lot, that we become deaf and blind to the reality that surround us. First, is that we often heed to our materialistic nature. We listen to a lot of ads on TV and in the internet that encourage us to buy the latest gadget, clothes, cars, properties and more. Influenced by media, we work hard to buy what we want, but we become deaf to the cry of the poor, who need us to help them find food to feed their family. "Whoever despises his neighbor is a sinner, but blessed is he who is generous to the poor(Proverbs 14:21)."
We listen to the promptings of our vices. We get addicted to smoking, drinking, drugs, and sins of the flesh, that we become deaf to the consequences of these actions...as long as we are happy for the moment. We are not conscious that as we destroy ourselves, we also destroy the lives of the people closest to us. "Then desire conceives and brings forth sin, and when sin reaches maturity it gives birth to death (James 1:16)."
We listen, even pumping up the volume, to our pride. This is the least obvious because we won't even admit that we are consumed by our pride. It has always to be that, "the other one should humble himself first." The more we listen to our pride, the harder things will get. Healing will be hard to come by because forgiveness is already consumed by pride. "When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom (Proverbs 11:2)."
Before we become a laughing stock of the enemy, we have to stop listening to the loud influence of the devil. Like the Singing Sirens of greek mythology, he will lure us to listen to his voice, until we are deaf to the Lord's call. Let us be conscious. We may already be developing apathy, addictions, and a hardened heart. "If today you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts (Hebrews 4:17)."
So what do we do? First, we strive hard to be attuned to His voice. This is done through constant prayer. We find time to meditate, to reflect on our day. We find time to give praise to Him. We ask the Lord to forgive our shortcomings and we thank Him for the love and mercy he bestows everyday. Second, we heed His call. In the daily gospel, there is always a call or a challenge that is given to us. When we respond to this challenge, we will find ourselves among His people, specially the poor. Third, we listen to His people. By serving others, we come to know Christ more. It is hard to humble ourselves and actually take time to listen to people's concerns. Specially taking the time to understand the person who has wronged us. This requires great humility. But by listening, we come to develop a heart that is easy to forgive and to love.
Let us listen to God more and embrace the reality of the mission He has set for us everyday. Speak, LORD, for your servant is listening (1 Samuel 3:9)."
Saturday, July 17, 2010

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