I was asked to play the guitar for worship this morning. I overlooked in testing if the strings were in tune and just went right into playing. I later noticed that the 2nd string was off key. It was impossible to adjust the strings in the middle of the song. In short, the songs went on while bearing with one string that was out of tune.
Just like in our Christian living. We can go on following Christ, but many of us still have a part of our lives that is not attuned with the Lord. We may go on serving Him while we have issues with purity or other sins that we find hard to surrender.
The result is a service that fails to reach its true potential. We can still do the usual things we do for the Lord,
but the impact of a service derived from a life fully "in tune" with God is a far cry from a service born out of a compromised or "off key" Christian lifestyle.
The product of an off-key Christian lifestyle are:
Energy leak. Our strength is being drained by this part of our lives that refuses to yield to God. And when we are empty, we tend to "borrow strength" from hyping up or psyching up ourselves for the work ahead or a talk or sharing you have to give. In the end we are tired, and will even seek strength in other vice-based "unwinding."
Loss of passion. We will tend to focus on our unworthiness more instead of a God who will love us and raise us up.
Eventual backsliding. When we feel drained, empty, and unworthy, the next is to withdraw. The devil eventually wants us to get out of our commitment to Christ and will feed us "logical" excuses like, "Without my service, I can have more time for my family" or "The money I spend in the community can be better put in another investment."
So, it starts with a compromised Christian living and ends up in Eventual Backsliding. So how do we combat this? I have three suggestions:
Tune in to God daily. One day without prayer is enough for the devil to feed us with scheming thoughts. If we tune-in to God through faithful prayer, we will be strengthened and nourished.
Decide to Yield. Surrender to God that aspect of your life that compromises your Christianity. It is by the strength of the Spirit that we are to overcome.
Be accountable to somebody you trust. Have someone that will not hesitate to correct you and tune you back in harmony with the Lord. People who refuse correction are most prone to compromise. Humility will put our lives back in tune with God.
It takes time to tune a guitar and it is dependent on the sound of other strings to get that off-key string back in harmony. If you are a guitar player, you will only strum your guitar strings with gusto and passion when you know that each string is in tune.
Let us serve the Lord with maximum impact by living a life fully attuned to God.
For the eyes of the LORD range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him (2 Chronicles 16:9).