Have you ever stood on an overlooking view of God's mighty creation? The scene just takes your breath away. Like St. Francis, we have to appreciate God in all His creation. By having this outlook we become grateful people. As I am writing this reflection, I am at sea on the way to Cebu from Bohol. I thank God for the vastness of the sea and the life that is in it.
Without a grateful heart, we become perenial complainers. The danger is when complaining becomes a habit for us. It's when we find fault in almost any situation or discontent with what we have been blessed. We have to develop an appreciation for God's everyday miracles. Francis' outlook was of joy and great appreciation for all of the life God created. He even referred to the sun and moon as Brother Sun and Sister Moon. There is nothing that can rob God's joy from this saint.
What makes you truly happy?
We realize that the things that give us real joy are given by God for free. For me, my heart bursts with joy when I am with my family. Happiness that is born out of greed or lust are temporary and are meant to lure and trap us. Francis found the ultimate happiness, the love of Christ. many of us have already found Christ, it is just a matter now of seeing Christ in all of God's creation.
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