Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Test Your Limits

October 28, 2011(friday)
It was a mission-filled day here in Mandalay, Myanmar. We went to 7 homes and conducted Household Prayer Meetings. It was the first time for each of the families to experience a household. We started at 7:30am and ended at around 10:00pm doing a sort of a "household-marathon" around the city where the CFC members lived. I could say we were stretched to the limits of our physical strength, but the spirit is strong and alive.
I believe that in testing our limits, we will be able to achieve a breakthrough to a new level of strength. Just like how our muscles grow as we continually test the limits of the weight we can carry and the number of repetitions.
Pushing ourselves to love the seemingly unlovable, increasing our prayer time, reading more pages of a book in a sitting, and preparing extensively for a talk are but just some examples of testing our limits.
But we also realize that we are serving a God without limits. Impossible is a word unfamiliar to God. If we think we have done our best for God, there is still more strength and abilities that He has in store for us that we might just surprise ourselves.


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