Madaba, Jordan is famous for its Mosaics. The process of making mosaics, specially the smaller art pieces, is painstaking. The artist has to carve each piece of stone with its natural colors and fit them to the plan for the mosaic. One has to see the big picture first before working on the details.
God sees the Big picture for our lives, while we only know bits of it. He is the Mosaic Artist and our daily lives are the small pieces of stone that contribute to the Mosaic of Life. God places us on His Mosaic board to fulfill a role and make His design and vision a reality.
Let's take these lessons from the Mosaic:
1. We are a significant piece of His grand design. Some people think that they are not important or special. In God's eyes, we are so important that He sent Jesus to save each of us from our sins. The only hindrance is that if we choose not to realize our own greatness and significance as His sons and daughters, then we become discarded stones by our own doing. Let us choose to be a "piece" of His plan that completes His great Mosaic.

3. Life is painstakingly beautiful with God. Like putting together the pieces of the mosaic, putting the pieces of our lives together is not easy to comprehend. We painstakingly go through each phase of our life, trying to understand how that phase complements the next. But through the harshness and joys of life, we just have to put our faith in the "Mosaic Artist of Life" that He has a plan, a design, and that it is beautiful. A plan of which its fullness might be realized in our own lifetime or in the generations to come. Abraham really never understood why God was so harsh that He had commanded to sacrifice Isaac. But then Abraham passed the test of obedience and God stopped the sacrifice. He then became the father of a great nation. Let us go through life with obedience to God, no matter how painstaking it can get, we will later realize His purpose.
Let today be a colorful piece of God's Mosaic for our lives!
1. Recall your significant past experiences and relate it to who you are today.
2. How has God used that piece of you life to make you a better person at present?
3. Are you willing to be used for His purpose and take part in His design? Why?
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