Thursday, December 29, 2011

Passion for God

Passion is a very strong word. It reminds us of two things. Christ's passion, which is His suffering and death on the cross. Also, it reminds of us of the things we love to do, the things we are passionate about.  In the dictionary, the meaning of the word passion is "any powerful or compelling feeling or emotion, as love or hate." I'd like to focus on the side of Passion, which pertains to the things we love to do.

 Passion is something God given, it is innate in us. Not all people have the same passions. Not everyone is passionate about music or art, nor are others passionate about numbers and algorithms. Since each of us have different sets of passions, we can conclude that God has uniquely planted in each of us a combination of interests and desires we can use for His purpose.

Purposeful Passion. Passion with purpose is very important. Without purpose, our passion will have no clear direction.  It can go wild and destructive, and to a certain point meaningless.  When it's meaningless, our passions often end up in sinfulness. Having a purposeful passion stems from knowing "Why we are doing what we love doing." Having a clear purpose will sustain our passion and even deepen our passion. Let's say a person is passionate about music.  This person will have then to ask himself, "Why am I passionate about music? Is there a greater reason and purpose behind my interest?"  Being able to answer this question will lead him to the enlightenment of why God planted in him the love for music.  We also have to watch out because our passion can end up having selfish intentions, like doing it only for money.  Money is not enough motivation.  You cannot derive creativity just by thinking of money.  For some this will motivate them in the beginning, but in the long run, it can become meaningless. That is why companies or organizations have vision and mission statements, so that those working will have a greater purpose and clear contribution to the world.

Powerful Passion. The result of purposeful passion is powerful passion. Power has a negative connotation, and it is often associated with greed.  But if we turn to the definition of power, we find out that in the field of science power means, "a measure of how quickly work can be done."  It is also defined as "the capability of doing and accomplishing something." God has a mission for each one of us, and he intends to use our passion gifts for this. With passion, we can get things done quickly and with greater capacity.  Passion is fuel to our purpose to be able to powerfully make a difference.

Passion for God. Having both purposeful and powerful passion for the Lord's mission is Passion for God. When we raise our hands or bow in reverence when we pray and worship, we are passionate.  When we serve Him through our God given passions, it is a form of worship. Passion for God is expressed in both prayer and action. Our passion for God is brought to its fullness with the Power of the Holy Spirit.  Often when we refer to the Spirit, we imagine fire burning in us.  Passion for God is the Spirit's Holy Fire burning in us to have the power to do our purpose.

May we discover and harness our passions for His purpose to make a powerful difference in the world.


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