"No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind had conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him. 1 Cor 2:9."
It's a brand new year, and it's once again time for our New Year's resolution. But what does it really mean?
It's a brand new year, and it's once again time for our New Year's resolution. But what does it really mean?
Let me dissect this definition.
A Decision...
a resolution is first and foremost a decision. When we decide, say, to lose weight, this will be regardless later on whether we will feel like it or not. Once you decide, you have to stick to it or else nothing significant is going to happen. You can tell this decision to a friend or your spouse so you can be accountable to someone and to have a person that reminds you of your commitment.
...Made on the first day of the year...
This would mean that during the holiday break, you might have done some soul searching or deep thinking that lead you to that resolution. So on the first day, the resolutions would have been already processed or best, prayed for. The first day is significant because it symbolizes a new hope. There is a strong sense of renewal on the first day. But of course, some of us may not have read this post on January 1st, so choose your first day whether it be the first day of work or school.
...About things you intend to do... What are the things that you need to continue? What are the new things that you are willing to start? You can start to list about ten things that excite you. It may be a passion you wish to pursue or a basic skill that you always put off (like swimming or driving). Maybe you want to set your financial goals for the year. It can also be an opportunity to start to write your life dreams, and how you intend to start pursuing it starting this year. Top on the list can be to have a more faithful time of prayer, 'cause all the rest will successfully flow from this.
...or things you intend to stop doing...
Now this part is serious. There are things that we habitually do that hinder our growth: a favorite sin, vices that kill our body (smoking, drinking, food with much cholesterol), impatience, laziness, and procrastination, among other things. By God's grace we can stop these. We need the Holy Spirit, a supernatural strength, to overcome our human weakness. We can start through repentance, having faith, forgiving, and the process of healing and strengthening will follow.
...during that year.
It's time bound! It's for the specific year. This means you have to carefully plan and decide on the things you can accomplish this year. In fact, you should be able to schedule it, take a leave for it, and mark it on your planner. If you are a good planner when it comes to your work or in your studies, you should also be the same when it comes to your personal and family life.
With God, we can do it! 2012 here we come!
"For nothing is impossible with God (Luke 1:37)."
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