Once a month, we congregate in Christ the King Parish for a teaching in Couples for Christ. I come to reflect on my relationship with Christ as my King. An encyclical of Pope Pius XI called Quas Primas (latin for In the first) talks extensively about Christ as our King. It was written for the purpose of promulgating the Feast of Christ The King in 1925. I'd like to quote section 13 of the encyclical, "The foundation of this power and dignity of Our Lord is rightly indicated by Cyril of Alexandria. "Christ," he says, "has dominion over all creatures, a dominion not seized by violence nor usurped, but his by essence and by nature."
What are the things in our lives that are itching for lordship? We can get a hint on this in the scene of Christ's temptation in the desert (Luke 4:1-13). These lord-wanna-be's can potentially usurp Christ's Lordship over our lives if we do not defend our souls from them: the lords of the flesh, money and power, and applause. These lords can do a guerilla warfare with our minds and hearts or do a hostile take over if we are open and vulnerable due to a lack of prayer.
Let us shun these worldly lords and declare allegiance to the Lord of lords, the King of kings -- Jesus Christ. When Christ the King reigns in our hearts, all the temptations will lose their appeal. Our fealty to Jesus will save us. Our King will defend us. Jesus is the King crucified who bought our freedom from the worldly kingdom of the evil one. Now that we have been ransomed by the King's blood, let us not waste the freedom given us. Let us bring others to discover the life Christ is offering in His Kindgdom.
1. How are the lords of flesh, money, power, and applause trying to lure you to their kingdoms?
2. What are you going to do to express your fealty to Christ the King?
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