Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Reflect the Light of Christ

I took this picture on a rooftop of a friend's house. I was struck by the beauty and splendor of the moonlight. Generally we know that the moon's light is a reflection of the sun's. But as I read...

"The real mystery is why does the moon reflect at all. Like most objects in space, the Moon possesses a reflective characterisitic called albedo. Albedo is how well an object reflects light. This characteristic seems pretty straight forward. Material like ice and snow have very reflective albedos. Land and Greenery have very low reflective albedos. What makes the moon so interesting is that it has the same Albedo as coal. That means that it has almost no reflective quality up close.http://www.universetoday.com/75891/why-does-the-moon-shine/#ixzz2fejsFkUb

How high is our reflective characteristic -- our spiritual albedo? How well do we reflect Christ's light? When we encourage people to succeed, we often tell them, "It's your time to shine." But like the moon, we cannot produce our own light. Everytime we try to "shine" by our own efforts, we end up proud and conceited. True light can only come from the Son reflected through a humble spirit. A better encouragement would be, "It's HIS time to shine."

Let us remember:

1. Receive His light daily

 Numbers 6:25  The LORD let his face shine upon you, and be gracious to you!

By God's grace, through daily prayer and especially the Eucharist, we receive His holy light that illumines our minds and hearts to reflect His glory.

2. We are Children of Light

Ephesians 5:8  For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light.
 Jesus brings us out of the darkness of our own sin and pride. We are God's children, bringing the Father's light to overcome the temptations that call us to hide in the shadows.
3. We shine Christ to others

As the classic praise song declares -- shine Jesus shine! The presence of Christ radiates through our smiles, our humble posture, and the love we give.

Like how the moon is likened to coal because of it's high reflective quality, we too, must remember that God's radiance can only shine if we remember who we are---our own insignificance---in relation to the light of Jesus.  Yet I live, no longer I, but Christ lives in me. Galatians 2:20.
How is Christ reflected in your daily actions?


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