Monday, October 3, 2011

The Discovery of Why

Sometimes we get too caught up in the system of things that we forget to learn about the spirit behind them.  We fail to realize or understand the "why" and get right into the "how."

One easily gets tired of an endeavor or a commitment if he or she does not have a grounding on the history, the growth, and the present state.  It is important to imbibe the full intent behind your organization, business, or activity.  That is why vision and mission statements are important.  Philosophies can help further explain the intent of the over-arching statements.   It is easy to give up on something you do not appreciate.

A tool that can help us in discovering an intent is to perpetually ask why.  An example: Question: Why are we having this activity? Answer: To be able to share the love of Christ. Q:: Why do we need to share the love of Christ? A: So that they may realize how Christ can save them from their sins.  And the whys continue to one's satisfaction.

Yet some of us have a rich understanding of the why but do not exactly know how to go about it.
A tool for this is to ask myriads of hows. Example: Q: How are we going to share the love of Christ? A: By choosing a bible verse that will make them understand the essence of Christ's love. Q: How do we choose the right verse? A: By having a discernment session. Q: How will the discernment session run? And so on and so forth.

Let us not be tempted to put the horse before the carriage.  The value of the "Why" is often taken for granted.  We just assume that the people we have are committed and will do as told.  Unless the leader wants to build up followers instead of leaders, then you can get into the "How"of things immediately.  But if we are to train leaders, then we have to take time to explain or discover the whys of what we do.

If we are to propel our organization or business, we have to start asking the difficult whys.  Why are we losing members?  Why is our country poor? Why is our product losing sales?  And when we finally find the answers, be bold enough to do the hows.

A lot of us try to find answers for our lives' crossroads.  The truth is that it is hard to find the right answers if we are asking the wrong questions. Let us be discerning of the questions we ask ourselves.  Then and only that we are sure that we are on our way to finding the answers we seek.

Jesus declared why He came down to earth in Luke 4:18 "

“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me,
because he has anointed me
to bring glad tidings to the poor.
He has sent me to proclaim liberty to captives
and recovery of sight to the blind,
to let the oppressed go free...

His mission was clear.  In our endeavors, let us strive for clarity of purpose.  May we accept the challenge to  plunge deep into the sea of knowing why, so that when we rise to the surface we may come to know how.


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