Monday, October 10, 2011

The Power of a Good Story

"A key, perhaps the key, to leadership... is the effective communication of a story." - Howard Gardener
All of us are leaders. We lead our families, our younger siblings, a group, a basketball team, employees. In whatever level, everybody is given a leadership role. Even my 4 year old son, Sev, leads when surrounded by 2 year old playmates. There are many views on effective leadership. But it is hardly mentioned that a good leader tells a good story. We can do a text book approach in leading others, but see how the mood changes once you tell a story about something or someone. A story has a way of driving a point without hard selling your view. A story has a way of touching our emotions and moving us into action.
Jesus, the greatest leader of all time, was a really good story teller. We are inspired from His parables. The story of the Israelites and the first Christian community are our references for our Christian living.
Here are some of my ideas of the elements of good story telling. I call it the 4C's of a good story.

1. Creativity with Integrity.
Be sure nothing is exaggerated or altered. The details should be truthful. A good story can stand on its own. You need only discover it and present it creatively.
2. Clear Analogy
The symbols and characters of the story must address the point you are trying to convey or the values you want to instill.
3. Concise
The story should not be long and winding. Build it up properly. A pattern can be: Before, During (turning point), After, Present, and Hope for the Future.
4. Call to Action
Upon reaching a high point in the story, when the listeners are engaged, there should be a call to action. How can the audience respond to your challenge? Otherwise, you'd end up ranting and with no solution.

A good story to tell is your own story, your testimony. If you are selling a product, be sure you're using it, otherwise you will lose integrity. Walking the talk is at the heart of motivation.
Another is to highlight best practices. There are groups or individuals in your network or field that are doing great in their way of working. Perhaps other groups will pick up and do the same.

Lastly, you can tell the story of the lessons from your prototype or template or sample group. When you have a great idea, you test it, evaluate, and refine until it is ready for replication.
Since we were kids, we were gifted by God of the curiosity and interest for stories. Just look at how the kids' eyes are round with excitement at every turn of a story. Not much has changed for us adults. Let us use the power of a good story to make us effective leaders.

1. When was the last time you told someone a story to drive a lesson or express an idea?
2. What's your story? Organize your personal testimony.


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