Thursday, July 17, 2014

Gifts: Visible Signs of True Feelings

Why do people give gifts? Because gifts are visible signs---tangible expressions---of the reality of our true feelings and intentions. Sure, we love our loved ones, but it is also in the material and perceptible signs of love---touchable gifts---that clues about how we sincerely feel for the other is hinted, is initially understood. Not that we value more the material expressions; but that we find means to show the truth of our inner dispositions; regardless the monetary cost of the gift. God sent his only begotten Son, Jesus, a sacrificial and redeeming gift---tangible in human history---to show how much He loves us and that He is with us. That same Gift of God Himself is offered to us in the Eucharist, not merely as a sign pointing to Christ but the reality of Christ Himself received as bread and wine -- nourishing and sustaining us in the Divine Truth of God's Love.


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