Monday, July 28, 2014

Great Love Unleashes True Potential

"It is the smallest of all the seeds, yet when full-grown it is the largest of plants." (Mt.13:32) Every small work done with great love unleashes true potential!

Hidden in every task, even in the mundane, is an opportunity for love to be uncovered; for God who is Love, is in all things. Our negative attitude towards work may come from a belittling view of the world around us and an enlargement of the ego within. We belittle things or people who/that don't challenge us; tasks that demean our position; and efforts that move us out from our comforts. 

On the flip side, many of us also belittle ourselves, and rely much on how others criticize us. We may become too overwhelmed by the task at hand to the point of fear and paralysis. We find ourselves constantly faced by a "Goliath"; not realizing the "David" within.

Jesus, sees something big in us, even if others belittle us; he beholds something great in others even if we belittle them. There is no servant's task too small for Him not to merit His love. He washes our feet. He takes notice of a mustard seed and tells us that the biggest thing unimaginable, the Kingdom of Heaven, is such. Are we not more than a mustard seed? 


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