Friday, July 4, 2014

Staying "On-line" With God

I chanced upon this interesting "challenge" from McDonalds. The stickers on the tables say: "Challenge your friends to see who can keep off their phones the longest." Clearly technology has become an extension of ourselves in this day and age. We can say that we are very "attached" to our gadgets that we have grown a certain dependence on them. We always have to be "connected," "on-line," " get "notifications," "liked," "shared," "go viral,"and many of these new tech words that contribute to the new vocabulary of this generation.

Turning to our spirituality: How long have we been "off-line" from God? When are we getting back on-line with Him? Have we grown a dependence on God? How attached are we to God? May technology not become a form of idolatry replaces God! 

Let us use some these new social media tech-words for our reflection today. What are we to do grow and make permanent our attachment and dependence on God?

1. Stay Connected with God: Pray! He was the first ever to have a "wireless on-line connection" to mankind -- and its free and unlimited!
2. Don't just "like" God -- love Him!
3. Set your "notifications" to remind yourself to avail of the Sacraments and attend your prayer group.
4. "Share" God's love and let it "go viral."

Let us deepen our reflection from hearing what Pope Francis has to share: "It is not enough to be passersby on the digital highways, simply “connected”; connections need to grow into true encounters."  As we stay on-line, may we enrich our relationship with God and neighbor -- by being a "good Samaritan" and not just "passersby" to those who are in need of spiritual and emotional support.  May we use the increasing connectivity of this era of social communication to even proclaim the Good News of our salvation in Christ.



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