Friday last week, my 3 year old son, Sev, finally had his hair cut. He was having an irritation behind his ear due to his long hair. Now, he's bald or in the local dialect, "semi-kalbo." We were worried that Sev would cry after the haircut and feel bad that he's already bald. So I decided to also get a semi-kalbo haircut. You can say that I made a "bald move." After many bouts between Sev and the barber, the job was finally done. My son was surprised to also see me bald. He was laughing out loud upon knowing that both of us are already kalbo. He liked the new light feeling and I felt that me and my son achieved a new milestone in our bonding.
I am reminded of an old Christian song, "God With Us Emmanuel." It was one of the early Charismatic songs back in the 90's when i was still in Youth for Christ. The song goes, "He walked where I walked. He stood where I stand. He felt what I feel. He understands." I wanted my son to know that I understand the feeling of being bald, and we're going to be bald together. Whenever we feel pain, hurt, shame, suffering, and betrayal, we have a God who went through them all and more. Jesus shares with us our joys and most especially our sacrifices. He is not someone who just observes us from a distance. He is Emmanuel. He is God With Us.
If right now you feel hurt, alone, betrayed, or abandoned, just remember that all you have to do is to close your eyes and feel Christ inside you. He's there knocking upon your heart, waiting for you to invite Him in. He came down from heaven to earth to let us know that He understands and He will save us if we let Him. He made a bold move to show His love for us, now it's our turn to love Him back...boldly.
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