On another occassion, Me, Michelle and Sev went out to eat bread in a nearby bakery to fill our hunger in the morning. We had hot pandesal and juice. Sev wanted eat the bread whole.
I imagined how Jesus was very hungry after 40 days of fasting.
"He fasted for forty days and forty nights, and afterwards he was hungry. The tempter approached and said to him, "If you are the Son of God, command that these stones become loaves of bread." He said in reply, "It is written: 'One does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes for
It could have been easy for Jesus to turn stone to bread, but He did not succumb to the devil's temptations but instead he stressed that God's word is the true bread.
In our life, there are different types of hunger: Physical hunger, which is the call of our stomach; Emotional hunger, the need for love and affirmation; Mental hunger, the need for knowledge and information; and most importantly, spiritual hunger, the need for God in our lives.
God has provided the earth with fruits and animals for us to fill our physical hunger. He has also filled our emotional hunger, by showing us the greatest love ever known; Christ's death on the cross. God also fills our mental hunger through the knowledge of Him through scripture and the books that God inspires others to write. Our spiritual hunger can be filled with our communion with God through prayer and sacraments.
But sadly, man wishes to fill His hunger through the ways of man instead of God's. Some fill their physical hunger by means of greed, hoarding more to themselves resulting to other people in starvation. Others commit suicide because they cannot cope with their emotional hunger brought about by stress, loss, or depression. While som even manipulate others by means of emotional engagement to fulfill their own needs. While others in pursuit of their mental hunger, convince themselves that God does not exist and everything can be explained through science. Others try to fill their spiritual hunger through beliefs that are comfortable to their own lifestyle.
The Word of God is our true bread that will satisfy all our hunger. When we live by His Word, there is sharing. There was no needy person among them (Acts 4:34). Even our physical hunger will be addressed. Through the Word of God, our mental, emotional, and spiritual hungers will also be filled. For His Word is rich in meaning, guidance, affirmation, and nourishment.
Let us not start our day without getting filled with God's sustainance for our daily lives.
What is your greatest hunger at present? (Physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental)
What are your ways of filling this hunger?
How has God filled your hunger in the past and how do you think will He fill your present hunger?
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