Christian maturity is much measured by one's humility. At the end of Christ's mission on earth, He went to the lowest of low... death on a cross. Wikipedia describes crucifixion:
The goal of Roman crucifixion was not just to kill the criminal, but also to mutilate and dishonour the body of the condemned. In ancient tradition, an honourable death required burial; leaving a body on the cross, so as to mutilate it and prevent its burial, was a grave dishonour.
Under ancient Roman penal practice, crucifixion was also a means of exhibiting the criminal’s low social status. It was the most dishonourable death imaginable.Christ sacrificed the powers of His divinity and experienced the most humiliating human experience. Come to think of it, the words; human, humiliation and humility are very closely related. Man cannot be humble without experiencing a degree of humiliation.
Well the more we love, the bigger the sacrifice. Thank you Lord, for saving us by your sacrifice and humiliation.
What humiliating experience humbled you?
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