Monday, June 11, 2012

Freedom from Prodigality

June 12 is Philippines' Independence. On this day we commemorate our 114th year of freedom. Freedom is a beautiful word. It connotes dignity, choice, self-identity, and expression. But with freedom comes responsibility and stewardship.

The story of the prodigal son is a good reflection on freedom and independence. The youngest son wanted his share... he wanted some freedom. It was granted and finally he was "free" to do what he pleased. But we all know the story and what happened next. He squandered everything on worldly pleasures until he found himself eating with the pigs. So he went back to his father, who from a distance, ran to welcome him and prepared a feast for his return.

Lessons on freedom:
1. Freedom is meant to give us dignity. The moment we abuse freedom by choosing sin and evil, shame will be upon us.

2. We strive to be fully dependent on God and independent of sin. By our natural strength, we cannot avoid the lures of sin. But by God's supernatural power, we shall overcome.

3. When we falter, let us not forget our Father. God who gave us the most precious gift of free will is ready to accept us back in His arms. God does not like the concept of puppeteering. He is all powerful, but he did make us his puppets. In exchange for our dignity, he risks breaking His own heart by seeing us falter from time to time. But as soon as we realize our sins, he is ever ready and eager to welcome us back.

Responsibility, the ability to response to God's goodness, will help us realize true freedom. Also being good stewards will make us acknowledge that everything belongs to God, and we have to be grateful by using His belongings for His purpose.

The corruption, greed, and poverty that we see today is a result of remaining prodigal. Let us be free from wasting our freedom and liberate ourselves from our prodigality. Let us embrace genuine freedom by loving this country that our Father God has entrusted us.
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