I attended a recognition awarding of partners for the environment yesterday in the Department of Environment and Natural Resources. It reminded me of an article I wrote in 2006. I'm reposting it below:
In this present generation, we hear a greater deal of environmental issues compared to any other time in history. Just 10 years ago, warnings of global warming were not taken seriously by some key countries, specially the United States, who would rather sacrifice the possibilities of the damaging effects of greenhouse gases in favor of its economy by not signing the Kyoto Protocol. Now, global warming is no fairytale, it is a fact. Global warming will happen. Actually, we are already experiencing some of it today. There are already symptoms of what is to come. We learn of polar caps melting, experience unusually hot days at certain times of the year, and visited by more typhoons in abnormal frequency, just to name a few.
It is not anymore a matter of preventing, but a matter of adapting. We can stop further damages to our ecology, but we will still experience many environmental back lashes caused by man’s irresponsibility and lack of action. In more than one way, all of us are guilty. So, what do we do about it? We follow God’s command for us.
“Have dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and all living things that move on the earth.” Gen 1:28
From the very start, we are mandated to have dominion, to be stewards of His creation. In Couples for Christ, we are evangelized and brought to a community where we can all experience the love and support of our brothers and sisters. Yet, we also must remember to also love and support the rest of His creation. Here are compelling reasons why each should be challenged to be a steward of the environment:
7 reasons why we should be a STEWARD of the environment.
Supply is limited.
Natural resources can be classified as renewable and non-renewable. Renewable means that these resources can be replenished by means of natural cycles through water, air, plants, and animals. Non-renewable resources are those that once are used cannot be replenished. Examples of these are ores of different metals, coal, and oil. When we destroy the ways in which our natural resources will be replenished, through pollution, we might ran out. Ours is a finite earth. We all live in one planet and share the same resources.
Time is running out.
Everything must go somewhere.
The waste that we throw away does not disappear into oblivion. It goes somewhere else. Unless our waste is put into right use, it will cause problems like the plastics that clog up sewage, causing floods in urban areas. Harmful gases doesn’t just vanish into thin air, it contributes to the greenhouse effect that causes global warming.
We are all affected.
We are all living in a global ecosystem. Once a major change happens in one part of the world, then all of us get affected. The melting of the polar caps is rapidly increasing the sea levels, threatening the existence of some islands. The elimination of some animal species due to poaching can cause imbalance in an ecosystem by disturbing the natural food chain.
Apathy is widespread.
In spite of the many campaigns, reminders, and tips on saving the environment, still there are millions out there that think that it is someone else’s job to take care of nature. Many feel that they have bigger problems to tackle. If we do not convince others to be proactive for the environment, then we are fighting for a lonely cause.
Responsibility for God’s creation
We are not requested to be stewards of creation, we have been commanded. This should be reason enough to take care of nature. We must own up to our responsibility, for God entrusts us to love what He has wonderfully created. We hear of dynamite fishing, kaingin (slash and burn) farming, and illegal logging which violate our call to preserve and beautify nature.
Degradation of the quality of life.
Because of man’s sinfulness, we lost paradise. The slums that surround us are results of our greed and selfishness. Instead of building places of beauty, we breed depressed areas. In these places we see that trash and waste matters are dumped into the rivers. There are mounds of garbage in many different locations, swarmed by flies and mosquitoes that may bring disease.
With the above mentioned reasons, here are their respective action steps;
7 action steps in becoming a STEWARD of God’s creation.
1. Save as much as you can.
Save water, save trees, save electricity, save gas, save energy. Save, save, save. Conserve resources at all times.
2. Today is the day to start.
There is no better time to start than today. Each day that we delay our decision to help save the environment, affects our not so distant future.
3. Ecological Waste Management
Segregate! It is crucial to separate non-biodegradable and biodegradable wastes. Wastes such as plastic bottles can be recycled for profit, animal dung turned into fertilizers, and some hard plastics into containers. Segregation also lessens the collection of garbage in your neighborhood, leaving only residual wastes to be collected.
4. Work with others.
Since we are all affected, we should work with other groups. Not one group can solve the problem of the environment. Everyone should do their share and collaborate.
5. Advocate.
Education on the environment will help open the eyes of many people and move them into action. Be an advocate for the environment by first of all being an example. You can organize forums on the effects of global warming and how we can affect change in our simple ways. Turn the apathetic into energetic advocates.
6. Restore what has been ruined.
We are to restore what we have damaged and lost. Planting as many trees, helping preserve wildlife, actively reporting smoke belching, and reporting dynamite fishing are just some of the initiatives that we can do to help bring back and flourish our flora and fauna.
7. Develop environmentally healthy communities
By building communities, we are also helping save the environment. We give values formation to the homeowners as to handling proper waste disposal and becoming caretakers of the trees, plants, and animals in their surroundings. This way, we prevent diseases from spreading. We uplift the quality of life of the poor and empower them to be stewards of the environment.
“God looked at everything He had made, and He found it very good.” Gen 1:31
Let us not disappoint the Lord further. Honor God by loving His creation. We are preparing this world for our children to inherit. May they swim in clean waters, breathe fresh air, and enjoy the scenery of forest covered mountains because of what we have done in our lifetime. Never forget that the earth is our home, our oikos.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Monday, June 28, 2010
Be Well, Serve Well, and Finish Well
I was inspired of a talk I heard a week ago. It was about delivering God's work. It had a lot of very good points. But what struck me the most was about our posture of being a servant. He said that we should strive to "Be Well, Serve Well, and Finish Well."
Being well is basically about our present condition. May it be physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual well-being. It is important to be fit and sound in all these aspects. Physically, we exercise and have the right diet to avoid getting weak and sick. Mentally, we devote time in building our intellect by reading books, doing further studies, and learning from other people. Emotionally, we check if our hearts are in the right place, that is with the Lord. Spiritually, we have a solid time for prayer and reflection. We feed the soul with God's wisdom and blessings. So you, my child, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus (2 Timothy 2:1).
Serving well is what we do for God. Many of us try our best to serve well without being well. The outcome of course is a burn out. As we serve God in what we do, may it be in church or offering your school or office work to God, it is important that we serve with humility and dedication. We are to serve passionately but maintain the posture of a servant. As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God's varied grace (1 Peter 4:10).
Finishing well is about striving to give our best until the end. Many start the race strong and fast, only to run out of steam near the finish line. Let us not transition to another assignment because we feel we are not productive at present. Instead, give your best and be at your best when you are about to shift to another service or work. Finishing well is also about giving excellently with the work that has been entrusted to us. To the best of our abilities and leadership, we work towards offering to God what he rightfully deserves. Finish well!
In general, being well, serving well, and finishing well is how we should live our lives. Many of us start off with our Christian life strong, we are well and we serve well. But later in life, many lose heart and forget to ask strength from the Holy Spirit and succumb to the temptations of the world. May we all be faithful to the Lord and be able to truly finish well. I continue my pursuit toward the goal, the prize of God's upward calling, in Christ Jesus (Philippians 3:14).
Being well is basically about our present condition. May it be physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual well-being. It is important to be fit and sound in all these aspects. Physically, we exercise and have the right diet to avoid getting weak and sick. Mentally, we devote time in building our intellect by reading books, doing further studies, and learning from other people. Emotionally, we check if our hearts are in the right place, that is with the Lord. Spiritually, we have a solid time for prayer and reflection. We feed the soul with God's wisdom and blessings. So you, my child, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus (2 Timothy 2:1).
Serving well is what we do for God. Many of us try our best to serve well without being well. The outcome of course is a burn out. As we serve God in what we do, may it be in church or offering your school or office work to God, it is important that we serve with humility and dedication. We are to serve passionately but maintain the posture of a servant. As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God's varied grace (1 Peter 4:10).
Finishing well is about striving to give our best until the end. Many start the race strong and fast, only to run out of steam near the finish line. Let us not transition to another assignment because we feel we are not productive at present. Instead, give your best and be at your best when you are about to shift to another service or work. Finishing well is also about giving excellently with the work that has been entrusted to us. To the best of our abilities and leadership, we work towards offering to God what he rightfully deserves. Finish well!
In general, being well, serving well, and finishing well is how we should live our lives. Many of us start off with our Christian life strong, we are well and we serve well. But later in life, many lose heart and forget to ask strength from the Holy Spirit and succumb to the temptations of the world. May we all be faithful to the Lord and be able to truly finish well. I continue my pursuit toward the goal, the prize of God's upward calling, in Christ Jesus (Philippians 3:14).
Sunday, June 27, 2010
The Bond of Friendship
I just came from a 5-day retreat/planning with fulltime workers of Kids for Christ. We woke up at 5am everyday, and had our prayer and worship at 5:30am. After which, us boys went to play basketball just before breakfast. It was a time to bond with co-servants and a time to bond with the Lord. Reflecting on that experience these are what I realized about bonding:
B - believe in others
O - open one's self
N - nurture friendship
D - develop regular communication
Believing in others creates an atmosphere of trust and confidence. This brings out the greatness in people and the greatness in our friendships.
Opening one's self leads others to also open up. By disclosing ourselves, we are putting a stake on our friendships and making each other accountable for parts of our lives.
We nurture friendship by extending help to them, adding value to each other's lives. We 'feed' the friendship by encouraging words and guiding our friendships towards the way of God.
We develop regular communication to be able to sustain and enrich the bond. Whether it is through meeting up, through the internet, or greeting cards, what is vital is we get updated with their lives.
More importantly, it is love that bonds us. Put love in believing, opening up, nurturing, and developing communication, and surely we can create a bond that is enduring and lifelong.
And over all these put on love, that is, the bond of perfection. Colossians 3:14
B - believe in others
O - open one's self
N - nurture friendship
D - develop regular communication
Believing in others creates an atmosphere of trust and confidence. This brings out the greatness in people and the greatness in our friendships.
Opening one's self leads others to also open up. By disclosing ourselves, we are putting a stake on our friendships and making each other accountable for parts of our lives.
We nurture friendship by extending help to them, adding value to each other's lives. We 'feed' the friendship by encouraging words and guiding our friendships towards the way of God.
We develop regular communication to be able to sustain and enrich the bond. Whether it is through meeting up, through the internet, or greeting cards, what is vital is we get updated with their lives.
More importantly, it is love that bonds us. Put love in believing, opening up, nurturing, and developing communication, and surely we can create a bond that is enduring and lifelong.
And over all these put on love, that is, the bond of perfection. Colossians 3:14
Sunday, June 20, 2010
A Father's Day Reflection
It's Fathers Day! I have mixed feelings celebrating this day. I am joyful because it's the day we fathers are remembered and honored. People approach me and say, "happy father's day Kirbs." I got a lot of emails and facebook messages greeting me for being a dad. I am at the same time missing my own dad. It's my first Father's day without him. He passed away on December 19, 2009. Days like this make me miss him so much. I guess I can't call him long distance by phone anymore, but through direct contact in my prayers. I love you Dad.
This day, we also remember the Father of us all, God the Father. Jesus introduced God to us as a Father. He taught us to pray through the Our Father, "And he said to them, “When you pray, say: “Father, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come (Luke 11:2)." Jesus also tells us that God the Father gives us the Holy Spirit as His promised gift for those who ask. He exhorts, "What father among you would hand his son a snake when he asks for a fish? Or hand him a scorpion when he asks for an egg? If you then, who are wicked, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will the Father in heaven give the holy Spirit to those who ask him?" Luke 11:11-13. Jesus also paints the image of God as the father in the story of the Prodigal Son. "So he returned home to his father. And while he was still a long way off, his father saw him coming. Filled with love and compassion, he ran to his son, embraced him, and kissed him (Luke 15:20)." Indeed the our Father in heaven is a father who is most holy, most generous, and most forgiving.
We thank our fathers here on earth. Through them, we are able to understand God better as our Father. We also honor the men who stand as father figures for children whose dads are not present while growing up. For our dear priests, who are fathers to so many lost souls that find their way back to Christ through the Church, this is your day too. Happy Father's day!
This day, we also remember the Father of us all, God the Father. Jesus introduced God to us as a Father. He taught us to pray through the Our Father, "And he said to them, “When you pray, say: “Father, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come (Luke 11:2)." Jesus also tells us that God the Father gives us the Holy Spirit as His promised gift for those who ask. He exhorts, "What father among you would hand his son a snake when he asks for a fish? Or hand him a scorpion when he asks for an egg? If you then, who are wicked, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will the Father in heaven give the holy Spirit to those who ask him?" Luke 11:11-13. Jesus also paints the image of God as the father in the story of the Prodigal Son. "So he returned home to his father. And while he was still a long way off, his father saw him coming. Filled with love and compassion, he ran to his son, embraced him, and kissed him (Luke 15:20)." Indeed the our Father in heaven is a father who is most holy, most generous, and most forgiving.
We thank our fathers here on earth. Through them, we are able to understand God better as our Father. We also honor the men who stand as father figures for children whose dads are not present while growing up. For our dear priests, who are fathers to so many lost souls that find their way back to Christ through the Church, this is your day too. Happy Father's day!
Nothing But Christ
Last night, it was a privilege for me to lead thousands of people in worship during the CFC anniversary. Most of us were wet because of the rain, but the people persisted in staying because they wanted to listen to the Lord. The challenge was that the drums and other instruments could not be used due to the rain. So I had to lead the worship accompanied with only the guitar, keyboards, and the wonderful voices of the MCG band singers. Regardless of the lack of instruments, the Holy Spirit took over and filled the hearts of the people. I could see them worshipping God intently with much hunger and thrist for His presence in their lives.
What I learned is that what is truly important is Christ, The rest are just details. I heard Mike Serapio exhort the crowd yesterday, "If we have everything but Christ, then we have nothing. But if we have nothing but Christ, then we have everything." During the Papal Nuncio's homily yesterday, he exhorted the crowd to truly be for Christ. St. Paul teaches us with his conviction in Philippians 3:8,"Yes, everything else is worthless when compared with the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have discarded everything else, counting it all as garbage, so that I could gain Christ."
We went home with our feet drenched, our clothes wet, and our bodies aching. But our hearts were filled with joy, experiencing fullness in Christ. No matter what kind of weather we go through in our lives, what is important is that Christ is holding our hand and assuring us of His love.
What I learned is that what is truly important is Christ, The rest are just details. I heard Mike Serapio exhort the crowd yesterday, "If we have everything but Christ, then we have nothing. But if we have nothing but Christ, then we have everything." During the Papal Nuncio's homily yesterday, he exhorted the crowd to truly be for Christ. St. Paul teaches us with his conviction in Philippians 3:8,"Yes, everything else is worthless when compared with the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have discarded everything else, counting it all as garbage, so that I could gain Christ."
We went home with our feet drenched, our clothes wet, and our bodies aching. But our hearts were filled with joy, experiencing fullness in Christ. No matter what kind of weather we go through in our lives, what is important is that Christ is holding our hand and assuring us of His love.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Learning The ABC's From My Wife
Yesterday was my wife Michelle's birthday. I honor her for blessing me and my children with her love and wisdom. There are three very important things I learned from her: Affection, boldness, and care. You could say that I learned the ABC's from her.
Through her affection, she showed me how to express love to others both in words and action. I have always been very reserved in showing my emotions. In her family, they would always tell each other 'I love you' at every chance. And now, this I do to my own children.
Michelle is a very bold person. If it's for the Lord, she does not hesitate to involve other people. Her forte is in marketing and partnerships. She approaches corporations in order to help out in our big events. She can request big favors from people specially when it can contribute greatly to God's mission. There are times that I am hesitant because I don't want to bother people. But she taught me that people are just waiting to be tapped to be used by God generously.
My wife is naturally very caring. The way she cares for our children is truly unconditional. She goes through many sleepless nights to feed the baby with her own milk. She is also like a mother to our missionaries in Kids for Christ, always thinking about them and looking after their welfare. As a wife, she is very loving to me, always making sure that I am healthy and rested. She makes a very ordinary day into something special by how she prepares our meals and thinking of fun ideas for the family to do. I have learned from her how to lead others by heart. As John Maxwell would say, "People don't care how much you know, until they know how much you care." She truly cares and I honor her for that.
Affection, boldness, and care. Three values that I have learned to from my wife. Three values that can truly bring other people closer to the Lord.
Through her affection, she showed me how to express love to others both in words and action. I have always been very reserved in showing my emotions. In her family, they would always tell each other 'I love you' at every chance. And now, this I do to my own children.
Michelle is a very bold person. If it's for the Lord, she does not hesitate to involve other people. Her forte is in marketing and partnerships. She approaches corporations in order to help out in our big events. She can request big favors from people specially when it can contribute greatly to God's mission. There are times that I am hesitant because I don't want to bother people. But she taught me that people are just waiting to be tapped to be used by God generously.
My wife is naturally very caring. The way she cares for our children is truly unconditional. She goes through many sleepless nights to feed the baby with her own milk. She is also like a mother to our missionaries in Kids for Christ, always thinking about them and looking after their welfare. As a wife, she is very loving to me, always making sure that I am healthy and rested. She makes a very ordinary day into something special by how she prepares our meals and thinking of fun ideas for the family to do. I have learned from her how to lead others by heart. As John Maxwell would say, "People don't care how much you know, until they know how much you care." She truly cares and I honor her for that.
Affection, boldness, and care. Three values that I have learned to from my wife. Three values that can truly bring other people closer to the Lord.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Exercise Self-control
We were all set to play basketball last Monday. My friends just concluded watching a Lakers-Celtics Championship game. Those who were Celtics fans were inspired to play (yes, Celtics won that game), while the Lakers fans wanted to pour out their frustrations in our game. All geared up and ready to go, suddenly it rained...hard. All of our plans of getting some action went down the drain.
There are times when our plans fail and we can't do anything about it. We did our best to prepare, poured our heart out into our work, then things turned out different. I got an email that talked about Covey's 90-10 principle that states that "10% of life is made up of what happens to you, 90% is decided by how you react. We really have no control of over 10% that happens to us, but we have control of the rest of the 90% by our reactions." We can't stop the rain from falling, but we can control our reactions towards the situation. A lot of the negative happenings in our life are caused by our lack of self-control. In Proverbs 5:28 it says, "Like a city whose walls are broken down is a man who lacks self-control."
With a lack of self-control, there are words we say that unnecessarily hurt other people, specially those closest to us. When people fail us or offend us, even unintentionally, our negative reactions make the situation worse. We say things like, 'bad trip!' or 'what a hassle' or even 'ikaw kasi (it's your fault).' Some react violently and result to physical abuse. In other situations, even an angry reaction for the smallest of reasons, can cause a break-up in relationships.
My reflection is that seemingly unfortunate happenings are opportunities for us to become real Christians. This is the time when we come to know how deeply rooted we are in the Lord. These are chances where we can honor the Lord by our self-control and our faithfulness to follow His ways. The Lord was so attuned to His Father's will and His love that He even told us to 'Love our enemies (Luke 6:27)' and to 'Turn the other cheek (Luke 6:29).' Let us therefore exercise self-control. "Every athlete exercises self-control in all things. They do it to receive a perishable wreath, but we an imperishable. (1 Cor. 9:25)"
With His Spirit, we are empowered to do what is right in very challenging situations. We are called to go beyond our emotions and be reminded of what is Christian. WWJD (What Would Jesus Do?) was so popular before that most of my friends wore a WWJD bracelet. Even if the bracelet isn't the fad anymore, 'WWJD'remains a good self-check when we are in an untoward circumstance.
On that Monday holiday, instead of playing basketball, we ended up going swimming and was able to bond more through our sharing of recent struggles, experiences, and fun old memories. No one regretted not being able play our most anticipated basketball game. We didn't blame
the rain or the open court or the organizer. We simply decided that maybe God had better plans.
There are times when our plans fail and we can't do anything about it. We did our best to prepare, poured our heart out into our work, then things turned out different. I got an email that talked about Covey's 90-10 principle that states that "10% of life is made up of what happens to you, 90% is decided by how you react. We really have no control of over 10% that happens to us, but we have control of the rest of the 90% by our reactions." We can't stop the rain from falling, but we can control our reactions towards the situation. A lot of the negative happenings in our life are caused by our lack of self-control. In Proverbs 5:28 it says, "Like a city whose walls are broken down is a man who lacks self-control."
With a lack of self-control, there are words we say that unnecessarily hurt other people, specially those closest to us. When people fail us or offend us, even unintentionally, our negative reactions make the situation worse. We say things like, 'bad trip!' or 'what a hassle' or even 'ikaw kasi (it's your fault).' Some react violently and result to physical abuse. In other situations, even an angry reaction for the smallest of reasons, can cause a break-up in relationships.
My reflection is that seemingly unfortunate happenings are opportunities for us to become real Christians. This is the time when we come to know how deeply rooted we are in the Lord. These are chances where we can honor the Lord by our self-control and our faithfulness to follow His ways. The Lord was so attuned to His Father's will and His love that He even told us to 'Love our enemies (Luke 6:27)' and to 'Turn the other cheek (Luke 6:29).' Let us therefore exercise self-control. "Every athlete exercises self-control in all things. They do it to receive a perishable wreath, but we an imperishable. (1 Cor. 9:25)"
With His Spirit, we are empowered to do what is right in very challenging situations. We are called to go beyond our emotions and be reminded of what is Christian. WWJD (What Would Jesus Do?) was so popular before that most of my friends wore a WWJD bracelet. Even if the bracelet isn't the fad anymore, 'WWJD'remains a good self-check when we are in an untoward circumstance.
On that Monday holiday, instead of playing basketball, we ended up going swimming and was able to bond more through our sharing of recent struggles, experiences, and fun old memories. No one regretted not being able play our most anticipated basketball game. We didn't blame
the rain or the open court or the organizer. We simply decided that maybe God had better plans.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Live Loud for Christ
Last Saturday, my family went to the YFC LiveLoud concert in San Juan. The place was jam packed with youth hungry to worship God and thirsty for His presence. It was a night filled with the power of the Spirit. His presence was overwhelming, healing us and affirming us of His love. It was a night where the YFCs sang their own original compositions, giving praise to Him with the expression of faith that God has planted in their hearts. It was a night of victory. It was Independence Day in the Philippines, and we also expressed our independence from sin and claimed Freedom in Christ.
Talking about LiveLoud, living our faith out loud is a challenge we all face. We are often embarrassed if we are referred to as 'father' or 'sister' when our friends know that we are members of a prayer community or active in church or simply living out our Christianity. But at the end of the day, our identity in Christ offers a helping hand to those who need it. In Luke 8:16 it says, "No one lights a lamp and hides it in a jar or puts it under a bed. Instead, he puts it on a stand, so that those who come in can see the light." There will be always among our friends who needs to be prayed for or who just needs someone who will listen to their problems. If this is the effect of living our faith out loud, then there is nothing to be embarrassed about. Our identity with Him brings hope, in Galatians 2:20 it says, "I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. "
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Don't be an Occasional Christian
Yesterday, I witnessed a ceremony for the Postulancy Acceptance of the LaSalle Brothers. My friend Butch, has now entered the first stage of the process to be a LaSalle brother. It was a moving experience, seeing the elder brothers welcoming new comers into their way of life, to live in commitment to Christ through the vows they have made.
Like the brotherhood, being a Christian is a way of life. It is not just a set of rituals that we go through occasionally. We can't be 'Occasional Christians,' or Kristiano lang pag may okasyon. These are occasions when we get invited to weddings, baptisms, and funerals. "Many here go through the catechism, have their first communion rites, then the next time we see them in Church is during their wedding, then at their funeral," one of my friends from Europe who is serving in the parish narrated to me.
Let us then be Everyday Christians, following the ways of the Lord to our very best. Let us strive to have daily prayers, regular confessions, weekly Mass, but most of all live out the Gospel message and make Christ known to others through us. Then he said to them all: "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me (Luke 9:23).
Like the brotherhood, being a Christian is a way of life. It is not just a set of rituals that we go through occasionally. We can't be 'Occasional Christians,' or Kristiano lang pag may okasyon. These are occasions when we get invited to weddings, baptisms, and funerals. "Many here go through the catechism, have their first communion rites, then the next time we see them in Church is during their wedding, then at their funeral," one of my friends from Europe who is serving in the parish narrated to me.
Let us then be Everyday Christians, following the ways of the Lord to our very best. Let us strive to have daily prayers, regular confessions, weekly Mass, but most of all live out the Gospel message and make Christ known to others through us. Then he said to them all: "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me (Luke 9:23).
Saturday, June 12, 2010
The Story Behind "Send Me"
The song "Send Me" was born out of the passion to go beyond borders, to go on mission anywhere the Lord may call. During 2004, there were many of my missionary friends who were sent on mission. Many countries opened because of this prompting of the Holy Spirit and the zealous response of my friends. The inspiration behind this comes from Isaiah 6:8 "Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I. Send me!" This song took months to finish and it was finally completed during a break in Boracay after the Intenational Kids Village in Ilo-ilo.
I believe that "Send Me" is a posture that we should take on as servants of God. We do His will with excitement, passion, and great desire.
Lyrics and Chords
I believe that "Send Me" is a posture that we should take on as servants of God. We do His will with excitement, passion, and great desire.
Lyrics and Chords
Stories of Songs
Friday, June 11, 2010
Beware of Acedia
Acedia, as defined by the Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, is a form of Spiritual laziness due to RELAXED VIGILANCE and a LACK OF CUSTODY OF THE HEART. When I read about this, I was enlightened why we sometimes come to the point of dryness both in prayer and work.
My reflection on relaxed vigilance is that we know we have a very urgent mission to accomplish but we are complacent and mediocre in our actions. Amidst all the evil that is happening in the world today, we can afford to relax and watch evil go about its business. This attitude towards our mission or service can weaken us and affect our conviction, thus affecting our actions as well, making us lazy. "Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour (1 Peter 5:8)."
On the lack of custody of the heart, my take on this is that we let our hearts wander away from our true love, Jesus Christ. We turn to other 'loves' like money, a romantic interest, our career, our family, and our friends, putting Jesus second to these. We must be careful to 'guard our hearts,' and always remember to offer to him what we feel everyday. We must be good custodians of the heart that God has given us. This then is how we know that we belong to the truth, and how we set our hearts at rest in his presence (1 John 3:19)."
When we come to the point of laziness, let us remember to be vigilant in doing God's mission and that our hearts are set on our Lord.
My reflection on relaxed vigilance is that we know we have a very urgent mission to accomplish but we are complacent and mediocre in our actions. Amidst all the evil that is happening in the world today, we can afford to relax and watch evil go about its business. This attitude towards our mission or service can weaken us and affect our conviction, thus affecting our actions as well, making us lazy. "Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour (1 Peter 5:8)."
On the lack of custody of the heart, my take on this is that we let our hearts wander away from our true love, Jesus Christ. We turn to other 'loves' like money, a romantic interest, our career, our family, and our friends, putting Jesus second to these. We must be careful to 'guard our hearts,' and always remember to offer to him what we feel everyday. We must be good custodians of the heart that God has given us. This then is how we know that we belong to the truth, and how we set our hearts at rest in his presence (1 John 3:19)."
When we come to the point of laziness, let us remember to be vigilant in doing God's mission and that our hearts are set on our Lord.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Pray, Practice, and Play
Yesterday my son was playing with our camera. He kept on taking shots and aimed it anywhere he wished. He pointed it at me, the ceiling, the floor, the table...everywhere. When the image appears on the camera LCD screen, he then bursts into laughter and shoots another one. He had a lot of fun.
In one of my old journals, I found a note there that says, "3 good habits of a full time worker: Pray, Practice, and Play." It is essential for us to pray, to be close to God and be sensitive to His will for us. It is crucial to practice, so we become excellent in our duty and learn new things that will help us contribute more in our work. And lastly, it is important to play, to have time to enjoy with friends, to take on a hobby, to have a sport, or to relax and rest.
"Since on the seventh day God was finished with the work he had been doing, he rested on the seventh day from all the work he had undertaken (Genesis 2:2)." We notice that God rested after the work. The temptation for us is to "rest" to procrastinate, to "escape" in order to delay responsibilities. Breaks are only good if it boosts our work once recharged. We rest so we can enjoy and savor the fruits of our labor.
Yet, some of us forget to 'play,' taking everything so seriously. We work hard, we 'practice' hard, but forget to take care of ourselves and nurture our relationships. In the end, the work still suffers because we are less motivated and over burdened.
Importantly, we 'pray'. Spiritual strength will give us the passion, purpose, and power to achieve our goals and to be dependent on God's grace.
My son was playing with the camera but also produced photos as result of his playing. How wonderful it is if our work is what we enjoy doing the most. But even if our job is not the most exciting thing to do on earth, as long as we do it for God and help build people's lives, then all our sweat will be worth it. Let us not forget to pray, practice, and play.
In one of my old journals, I found a note there that says, "3 good habits of a full time worker: Pray, Practice, and Play." It is essential for us to pray, to be close to God and be sensitive to His will for us. It is crucial to practice, so we become excellent in our duty and learn new things that will help us contribute more in our work. And lastly, it is important to play, to have time to enjoy with friends, to take on a hobby, to have a sport, or to relax and rest.
"Since on the seventh day God was finished with the work he had been doing, he rested on the seventh day from all the work he had undertaken (Genesis 2:2)." We notice that God rested after the work. The temptation for us is to "rest" to procrastinate, to "escape" in order to delay responsibilities. Breaks are only good if it boosts our work once recharged. We rest so we can enjoy and savor the fruits of our labor.
Yet, some of us forget to 'play,' taking everything so seriously. We work hard, we 'practice' hard, but forget to take care of ourselves and nurture our relationships. In the end, the work still suffers because we are less motivated and over burdened.
Importantly, we 'pray'. Spiritual strength will give us the passion, purpose, and power to achieve our goals and to be dependent on God's grace.
My son was playing with the camera but also produced photos as result of his playing. How wonderful it is if our work is what we enjoy doing the most. But even if our job is not the most exciting thing to do on earth, as long as we do it for God and help build people's lives, then all our sweat will be worth it. Let us not forget to pray, practice, and play.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Be an Excellent "Paul" and "Timothy"
Paul mentored Timothy in being a leader. Reflecting on this, we ask, "Who is/are my Paul(s)? Who is/are my Timothy(s)? All of us take on both of these roles, being a Paul and Timothy, whether we are aware of it or not. We are both leaders and followers. If you are a parent, you lead your children, but you also follow your own parents. If you are an employer, you lead your employees, but you also follow policy or a board or government regulations. If you are a class president, you are "Paul" to your classmates and a "Timothy" to your teacher adviser.
Here are some acrostics to help us become better mentors:
M - Make Time
They say love is spelled as T-I-M-E. The more time we spend on the one we are building up, the greater the bond. Time is so precious, that when given to someone , becomes a gift in itself. Have time for one-on-ones or a date.
E - Empathize
Empathizing is about listening and relating to another person's concern. We were created having 2 ears and only 1 mouth. The more we listen, the more we understand. As Covey would put it, "Seek first to understand, then be understood." Followed by Maxwell, he says, "people don't care how much you know until they know how much you care."
N - Nurture the Relationship
There has to be regularity. You don't sow a seed and water it only once and expect it to grow. The same as mentoring, it is a continuous process of "watering."
T - Trust Your Members
To empower is to trust. Allow them to make some 'mistakes' so they can learn from them. Just like a Dad teaching his kid to bike. He will let go of his hold and risk his kid to be outbalanced, but ready to catch him if he falls.
O - Obedience by example
We cannot demand them to be good followers, if we ourselves do not follow our "Paul."
R - Respect and Honor them
Even if you are their leader and can command authority, always maintain an atmosphere of respect. Honor them for a job well done. An environment that affirms one another greatly motivates one to do their best.
Some exemplify good qualities when they lead, but are poor followers to their own leaders. Yet some are already content to follow, and leave the leading to others.The challenge for us is to strive to become an excellent 'Paul' and 'Timothy' in school, work, family, and service.
"Where there is no guidance the people fall,but in abundance of counselors there is victory." Proverbs 11:14
Here are some acrostics to help us become better mentors:
M - Make Time
They say love is spelled as T-I-M-E. The more time we spend on the one we are building up, the greater the bond. Time is so precious, that when given to someone , becomes a gift in itself. Have time for one-on-ones or a date.
E - Empathize
Empathizing is about listening and relating to another person's concern. We were created having 2 ears and only 1 mouth. The more we listen, the more we understand. As Covey would put it, "Seek first to understand, then be understood." Followed by Maxwell, he says, "people don't care how much you know until they know how much you care."
N - Nurture the Relationship
There has to be regularity. You don't sow a seed and water it only once and expect it to grow. The same as mentoring, it is a continuous process of "watering."
T - Trust Your Members
To empower is to trust. Allow them to make some 'mistakes' so they can learn from them. Just like a Dad teaching his kid to bike. He will let go of his hold and risk his kid to be outbalanced, but ready to catch him if he falls.
O - Obedience by example
We cannot demand them to be good followers, if we ourselves do not follow our "Paul."
R - Respect and Honor them
Even if you are their leader and can command authority, always maintain an atmosphere of respect. Honor them for a job well done. An environment that affirms one another greatly motivates one to do their best.
Some exemplify good qualities when they lead, but are poor followers to their own leaders. Yet some are already content to follow, and leave the leading to others.The challenge for us is to strive to become an excellent 'Paul' and 'Timothy' in school, work, family, and service.
"Where there is no guidance the people fall,but in abundance of counselors there is victory." Proverbs 11:14
If You Win The Morning, You Win The Day
I arrived in the office at 6:30am today. I was surprised of the travel time. I only spent 20 minutes instead of the regular 1 hour travel. I missed the heavy traffic! What a relief. I then led the morning worship in the center. By half the morning, I was able to accomplish a lot of work.
Someone once said to me, "If you win the morning, you win the day." The psalmist writes, "In the morning, O LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation (Psalm 5:3)."
Let us greet the Lord, "good morning!" and thank the Lord for a brand new day of great expectations.
Someone once said to me, "If you win the morning, you win the day." The psalmist writes, "In the morning, O LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation (Psalm 5:3)."
Let us greet the Lord, "good morning!" and thank the Lord for a brand new day of great expectations.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Empowerment Lesson From a 2-year old
The hardest thing for my 2-year old son, Sev, to convince doing is taking a bath. First, we would chase him all over the house. Then, if we do get to catch him, with the loudest of sounds, he screams in protest. Then upon taking a bath he would be crying, wishing this part of the day's routine ends the soonest.
After many bouts in the bathroom, I had an idea. I gave Sev the tabo or dipper. He then realized playing with the tabo is a lot of fun. He soon filled the tabo with water, and bathed himself. Of course I had to do the soaping and shampooing. Now, it's hard to make Sev stop taking a bath. He tells me, "Daddy bath time!" Then after the whole ritual, I tell him, "ok, bath time is over." Then I get a "not yet Daddy" as an answer.
Empowerment is about giving the "tabo" to your member. Empower means to delegate power, giving others the power to decide and the power to act. Jesus exemplified empowerment,"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8)."
What's important about empowerment though, is showing how things are done first, then empowering our members to do it. In His 3 years of mission, Jesus showed us the way. Then when He went to heaven, He gave us the "tabo," His Holy Spirit. "
Amen, amen, I say to you, whoever believes in me will do the works that I do, and will do greater ones than these, because I am going to the Father(John 14:12).
And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate to be with you always, the Spirit of truth, which the world cannot accept, because it neither sees nor knows it. But you know it, because it remains with you, and will be in you (John 14:16-17).
After many bouts in the bathroom, I had an idea. I gave Sev the tabo or dipper. He then realized playing with the tabo is a lot of fun. He soon filled the tabo with water, and bathed himself. Of course I had to do the soaping and shampooing. Now, it's hard to make Sev stop taking a bath. He tells me, "Daddy bath time!" Then after the whole ritual, I tell him, "ok, bath time is over." Then I get a "not yet Daddy" as an answer.
Empowerment is about giving the "tabo" to your member. Empower means to delegate power, giving others the power to decide and the power to act. Jesus exemplified empowerment,"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8)."
What's important about empowerment though, is showing how things are done first, then empowering our members to do it. In His 3 years of mission, Jesus showed us the way. Then when He went to heaven, He gave us the "tabo," His Holy Spirit. "
Amen, amen, I say to you, whoever believes in me will do the works that I do, and will do greater ones than these, because I am going to the Father(John 14:12).
And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate to be with you always, the Spirit of truth, which the world cannot accept, because it neither sees nor knows it. But you know it, because it remains with you, and will be in you (John 14:16-17).
Give Your B.E.S.T. to God
I am privileged to be working with missionaries who are mostly 22-32 years old. They are giving the best years of their life. They are at the prime of their health and youthfullness in the service of the Lord. Some of them are also married with kids and serving fulltime as missionaries.
We are reminded to give our best to God. In giving our best, we offer:
B - Bravery amidst trials and persecutions.
There will be many instances that God will call us to do the impossible. Even situations that will lead us to be persecuted and ridiculed for the sake of Christ. We have to stand firm in the faith and endure. "Be on your guard, stand firm in the faith, be courageous, be strong (1 Cor.16:13)."
E - Excellence amidst a culture of mediocrity.
The Lord deserves our all. When we serve Him, we strive for excellence. Even if people will say, pwede na 'yan (That'll do), we should insist in doing our best for God, whether in school, family, work, or service. As a form of worship, we offer all that we do for the Lord.
S - Servanthood amidst the temptation of pride
We have to be humble in our ways. We should be like a bamboo, the higher we go up, the lower we stoop down. It is difficult to tame pride when somebody offends us whether intentionally or unintentionally. Servanthood brings us to the lowest level. As one of my friends said, being humble is like a Tetris game. The lower your level of bricks, the more you can absorb from above. Servanthood allows us to absorb more of God's wisdom and blessings.
T - Trust in God amidst uncertainties
Peter said to Him, "Lord, if it is You, command me to come to You on the water(Matthew 14:28)." Like Peter walking on water when He stepped out of the boat, He trusted in God. But when the strong winds came, he sank. But Jesus saved Him in the end. We have to trust that Jesus will hold our hand in our difficult and confusing times. We trust that in giving our best to God, he will never be outdone in His generosity for our lives.
Let us live our lives giving our B.E.S.T. to God.
Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth (2 Timothy 2:15)."
You gave your all, unworthy as I am. You have died for me Lord, now I am free. - I Give My All
We are reminded to give our best to God. In giving our best, we offer:
B - Bravery amidst trials and persecutions.
There will be many instances that God will call us to do the impossible. Even situations that will lead us to be persecuted and ridiculed for the sake of Christ. We have to stand firm in the faith and endure. "Be on your guard, stand firm in the faith, be courageous, be strong (1 Cor.16:13)."
E - Excellence amidst a culture of mediocrity.
The Lord deserves our all. When we serve Him, we strive for excellence. Even if people will say, pwede na 'yan (That'll do), we should insist in doing our best for God, whether in school, family, work, or service. As a form of worship, we offer all that we do for the Lord.
S - Servanthood amidst the temptation of pride
We have to be humble in our ways. We should be like a bamboo, the higher we go up, the lower we stoop down. It is difficult to tame pride when somebody offends us whether intentionally or unintentionally. Servanthood brings us to the lowest level. As one of my friends said, being humble is like a Tetris game. The lower your level of bricks, the more you can absorb from above. Servanthood allows us to absorb more of God's wisdom and blessings.
T - Trust in God amidst uncertainties
Peter said to Him, "Lord, if it is You, command me to come to You on the water(Matthew 14:28)." Like Peter walking on water when He stepped out of the boat, He trusted in God. But when the strong winds came, he sank. But Jesus saved Him in the end. We have to trust that Jesus will hold our hand in our difficult and confusing times. We trust that in giving our best to God, he will never be outdone in His generosity for our lives.
Let us live our lives giving our B.E.S.T. to God.
Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth (2 Timothy 2:15)."
You gave your all, unworthy as I am. You have died for me Lord, now I am free. - I Give My All
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Dance To God's Music
I went to the mall today with my wife and son. We continued the interrupted plan of last night's date, due to my emergency situation. There was an interesting feature in the mall, 'the dancing fountain.' The water spurted out in time with the music sequence. People who passed by would spend some time watching the display and feel a sense of delight. When we were there, the music was 'A Thousand Miles' by Vanessa Carlton, and the fountain was gleefully dancing to its tune.
Are we dancing to God's tune? Following God's will is more like listening to His song and us dancing to its tune. But if we can't hear the music, which is through prayer, it will be hard for us to know His timing. Let us then be attuned to His presence, so we may be guided by His directions and as His children be able ask what we need. "For I know well the plans I have in mind for you, says the LORD, plans for your welfare, not for woe! plans to give you a future full of hope. When you call me, when you go to pray to me, I will listen to you (Jer.29:11-12).
Are we dancing to God's tune? Following God's will is more like listening to His song and us dancing to its tune. But if we can't hear the music, which is through prayer, it will be hard for us to know His timing. Let us then be attuned to His presence, so we may be guided by His directions and as His children be able ask what we need. "For I know well the plans I have in mind for you, says the LORD, plans for your welfare, not for woe! plans to give you a future full of hope. When you call me, when you go to pray to me, I will listen to you (Jer.29:11-12).
There is Power in Knowing God's Names
Last night, while on our way to a date place with my wife and son, my heart was palpitating fast and my head was throbbing. I assumed It was high blood pressure. I felt that all my blood was in my head. I recalled what I ate. It was processed tuna. How could I have high blood pressure? So we went to the hospital and I had myself checked in the Emergency Room. It was an allergy. I was allergic to the preservatives of the processed tuna. I was then given 4 medicines by injection, ouch! All the while I thought it was high blood pressure. But when I knew it was an allergic reaction, i had peace of mind. When my ailment had been NAMED, the doctors knew what to do and the right medicines were given.
A retreat master once told us, "there is power in names." In the Old Testament, God revealed Himself to Moses as the "God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob." He also revealed Himself to Moses as "I Am Who Am." When Jesus described and named God as the Father, it had such power that we suddenly knew how to relate with the God of all creation. "This, then, is how you should pray: 'Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name' (Matthew 6:9)." Knowing God as the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, we now have power and confidence over all our worries about sicknesses, finances, work, schooling, and even the future. That is why making the sign of the cross is so powerful, because we say, "In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit." We know that God as the Father will always welcome back a prodigal son. God as the Son through Jesus, will be there for us as our brother and best friend. God as the Holy Spirit, will give us the power that we need. Without knowing the names of God, we will not know how to relate with God. We will not know how He will help us in our need and how we will communicate with Him.
After an hour of rest in the emergency room, we were allowed to go home. Thanks to my friends who visitied and for all those who prayed for me. Thank you God the Father for comforting me and assuring me that I'll be safe. Thank you Jesus for encouraging me and listening to me. Thank You Holy Spirit for giving us the strength to face this challenge and the guidance to go to the hospital. Thank you God for making us understand who You are through the Most Holy Trinity.
A retreat master once told us, "there is power in names." In the Old Testament, God revealed Himself to Moses as the "God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob." He also revealed Himself to Moses as "I Am Who Am." When Jesus described and named God as the Father, it had such power that we suddenly knew how to relate with the God of all creation. "This, then, is how you should pray: 'Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name' (Matthew 6:9)." Knowing God as the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, we now have power and confidence over all our worries about sicknesses, finances, work, schooling, and even the future. That is why making the sign of the cross is so powerful, because we say, "In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit." We know that God as the Father will always welcome back a prodigal son. God as the Son through Jesus, will be there for us as our brother and best friend. God as the Holy Spirit, will give us the power that we need. Without knowing the names of God, we will not know how to relate with God. We will not know how He will help us in our need and how we will communicate with Him.
After an hour of rest in the emergency room, we were allowed to go home. Thanks to my friends who visitied and for all those who prayed for me. Thank you God the Father for comforting me and assuring me that I'll be safe. Thank you Jesus for encouraging me and listening to me. Thank You Holy Spirit for giving us the strength to face this challenge and the guidance to go to the hospital. Thank you God for making us understand who You are through the Most Holy Trinity.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Don't Be Immobilized With Unforgiveness
Coming from a basketball game, I went for a swim yesterday during our Home office summer outing. In the middle of a freestyle lap, i had a bad cramp on both of my feet. Good thing I was near the sides and I was able to pull myself to safety...whew! The cramp immobilized me and it could have possibly put me in serious danger.
What are the things in life that immobilize us? Are there issues in the past or decisions at present that prevent us from moving on with our lives? Even at the middle of the 'laps' that we make in our work, in our family life, or in school, there are unresolved issues that we have to face that may give us a 'bad cramp' and hinder us from progressing. Bo Sanchez wrote the book, "Your Past Does Not Define Your Future." What the book title suggests is very true, but most often we recall all our failures and our sins, and allow them to bring us down and rob us of our hope for the future. What we need to do is to face our unresolved issues, specially in the area of unforgiveness.
We come before the Lord and ask the Holy Spirit to be upon us and decide to ask forgiveness from God. "So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most (Hebrews 4:16)." Allow God's grace to give us a change of heart and mind, a metanoia. Go to a priest for confession, and be sincere in doing the penance. With this, decide to forgive yourself. I know of many people who hate themselves. It is easy for them to forgive others but they cannot forgive themselves. If He who is God can forgive us, then we who are not greater than God should learn to forgive ourselves. If we have offended others, let us sincerely apologize and ask forgiveness. If the sin against someone is grave, do not expect that person to be instantly healed and forgive you right away. Healing takes time, and by faith the other person will be able to forgive. But for those who do not intend to forgive, great is their burden. Patrick Conaty writes, "Unforgiveness is like drinking poison and hoping the offender will get sick from it. The reality is it is making you sick and begins a slow death to those who will not release it." If there is unforgiveness in our hearts, let us start by deciding to forgive even if we do not feel that way yet. Healing comes when we decide to forgive, not the other way around.
May we be relieved from the things that immobilize us. Let God's love and mercy release us from the 'bad cramp' that stops us from growing closer to Him. May we continue to move forward and finish what God has intended for us to accomplish here on earth.
What are the things in life that immobilize us? Are there issues in the past or decisions at present that prevent us from moving on with our lives? Even at the middle of the 'laps' that we make in our work, in our family life, or in school, there are unresolved issues that we have to face that may give us a 'bad cramp' and hinder us from progressing. Bo Sanchez wrote the book, "Your Past Does Not Define Your Future." What the book title suggests is very true, but most often we recall all our failures and our sins, and allow them to bring us down and rob us of our hope for the future. What we need to do is to face our unresolved issues, specially in the area of unforgiveness.
We come before the Lord and ask the Holy Spirit to be upon us and decide to ask forgiveness from God. "So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most (Hebrews 4:16)." Allow God's grace to give us a change of heart and mind, a metanoia. Go to a priest for confession, and be sincere in doing the penance. With this, decide to forgive yourself. I know of many people who hate themselves. It is easy for them to forgive others but they cannot forgive themselves. If He who is God can forgive us, then we who are not greater than God should learn to forgive ourselves. If we have offended others, let us sincerely apologize and ask forgiveness. If the sin against someone is grave, do not expect that person to be instantly healed and forgive you right away. Healing takes time, and by faith the other person will be able to forgive. But for those who do not intend to forgive, great is their burden. Patrick Conaty writes, "Unforgiveness is like drinking poison and hoping the offender will get sick from it. The reality is it is making you sick and begins a slow death to those who will not release it." If there is unforgiveness in our hearts, let us start by deciding to forgive even if we do not feel that way yet. Healing comes when we decide to forgive, not the other way around.
May we be relieved from the things that immobilize us. Let God's love and mercy release us from the 'bad cramp' that stops us from growing closer to Him. May we continue to move forward and finish what God has intended for us to accomplish here on earth.
Friday, June 4, 2010
We went bowling today with the KFC full timers. We had a great time and I could say that I had a pretty good game. It would probably take much time and effort for me to become like Paeng Nepomuceno, who by the way set 3 Guinness World Records. One for being the youngest to win the bowling world cup (he was 19). Second is for winning 4 World cup titles and third was for the most number of tournament wins, 118 titles to be exact, and this was in 2008. Wow, what an achievement!
Just like trying to be 'Paeng,'it may seem impossible to be like Christ. It is true that we are sinners and we fall short because of our humanity, but it is also unrighteous to say that we will not try to do our best to become Christ-like. The bible exhorts in Matthew 5:48 "You therefore must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect." Further St. Paul exhorts in 1 Cor. 11:1 "And you should imitate me, just as I imitate Christ." As Christians, we take on the challenge in striving to become like Christ everyday.
Similar to bowling, to be like Jesus takes a lot of practice. We need to do a lifetime of practicing humility,love, and understanding His Word. May we wake up each day telling ourselves, "Today I decide to practice my Christianity." If we do this everyday, with His grace, we might end up becoming more like Christ.
Just like trying to be 'Paeng,'it may seem impossible to be like Christ. It is true that we are sinners and we fall short because of our humanity, but it is also unrighteous to say that we will not try to do our best to become Christ-like. The bible exhorts in Matthew 5:48 "You therefore must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect." Further St. Paul exhorts in 1 Cor. 11:1 "And you should imitate me, just as I imitate Christ." As Christians, we take on the challenge in striving to become like Christ everyday.
Similar to bowling, to be like Jesus takes a lot of practice. We need to do a lifetime of practicing humility,love, and understanding His Word. May we wake up each day telling ourselves, "Today I decide to practice my Christianity." If we do this everyday, with His grace, we might end up becoming more like Christ.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Today, I've seen and eaten the biggest pizza ever. It's 36 inches in diameter and it's so good! It claims to be the biggest pizza in Asia. The first time I saw the pizza box, I said, "Wow that's really really big!" I couldn't help but show the pizza to my other friends. I wanted to see how they reacted upon seeing this shockingly enormous pizza pie. It truly fascinated me.
The thought that God who created us and the whole universe, sent His own son from heaven to earth to save us from sin, is truly fascinating. Knowing this should amaze us of God's love. "LORD, what are mortals that you notice them; human beings, that you take thought of them? Psalm 144:3" But despite of the knowledge of this fascinating truth, it becomes ordinary and more often taken for granted. Isn't it amazing that Jesus loves us to the point of being humiliated and even dying on the cross? Everytime we pray, worship, or attend the Holy Eucharist, let us continue to be fascinated by God's greatness and immeasurable love for us.
The thought that God who created us and the whole universe, sent His own son from heaven to earth to save us from sin, is truly fascinating. Knowing this should amaze us of God's love. "LORD, what are mortals that you notice them; human beings, that you take thought of them? Psalm 144:3" But despite of the knowledge of this fascinating truth, it becomes ordinary and more often taken for granted. Isn't it amazing that Jesus loves us to the point of being humiliated and even dying on the cross? Everytime we pray, worship, or attend the Holy Eucharist, let us continue to be fascinated by God's greatness and immeasurable love for us.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Culture of Honoring
The 'culture of honoring' is very important in a family, among friends, in an organization or a ministry. Honoring upbuilds people, encouraging them to do better. In a world that mostly highlights what is wrong, we have to be generous in praising people. If we read the newspaper, most of it are news that bring down people. Only in very few pages do we see good works being honored. When we evaluate, the good points are often forgotten, and the areas where we are aggravated are greatly expressed. In 1 Peter 2:17 it says, "Give honor to all, love the community, fear God, honor the king.
Honoring people entails a sincere intent to affirm another person's attitude or their work. It also requires for us to make it a habit. When we refer to people, are we putting them down through 'loose talk?' Criticizing people can also become habitual. And before we know it, it becomes part of how we communicate. "The tongue that brings healing is a tree of life, but a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit.Proverbs 15:4"
Honoring is often heard during a eulogy of a person who has died. To use the tongue to honor people will greatly bless people, specially when they are still alive. Let us live out the culture of honoring and build up one another for the glory of God.
Honoring people entails a sincere intent to affirm another person's attitude or their work. It also requires for us to make it a habit. When we refer to people, are we putting them down through 'loose talk?' Criticizing people can also become habitual. And before we know it, it becomes part of how we communicate. "The tongue that brings healing is a tree of life, but a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit.Proverbs 15:4"
Honoring is often heard during a eulogy of a person who has died. To use the tongue to honor people will greatly bless people, specially when they are still alive. Let us live out the culture of honoring and build up one another for the glory of God.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
God Provides
Today, a friend in community told me how God had provided for Him. He told me that for many months, he had been looking for a new job. But during these months, his time had been occupied with many schedules in God's service. He accepted a lot of responsibilities for the Lord and had multiple meetings in a week. Then at the right time, God's time, someone from a big multinational food company called him up and offered a top executive position with a handsome package. With the loss of time in searching for a job, the job came to him. God indeed provides for his faithful servants. He provides even more than what we expect. "Moreover, God is able to make every grace abundant for you, so that in all things, always having all you need, you may have an abundance for every good work." 2 Cor 9:8
Having faith that God will provide for our needs is not an easy concept for the world to accept. It is not measurable, it is not time bound, and 'God's time' is a timing we never expect. But time and time again, countless people testify to God's goodness in their lives. A leader in community shared in a talk, "Whenever I ask people why they don't tithe, the answer is always, 'I can't afford to tithe.' But when I ask tithe givers why they tithe, the answer is always, 'God keeps on blessing me." For those who are generous with their time, talent, and treasure there is abundance. "Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, That there may be food in my house, and try me in this, says the LORD of hosts: Shall I not open for you the floodgates of heaven, to pour down blessing upon you without measure? Malachi 3:10"
Life will be full of challenges and we have our crosses to bear, but the Lord is ever faithful and He never fails to provide for His servants.
Having faith that God will provide for our needs is not an easy concept for the world to accept. It is not measurable, it is not time bound, and 'God's time' is a timing we never expect. But time and time again, countless people testify to God's goodness in their lives. A leader in community shared in a talk, "Whenever I ask people why they don't tithe, the answer is always, 'I can't afford to tithe.' But when I ask tithe givers why they tithe, the answer is always, 'God keeps on blessing me." For those who are generous with their time, talent, and treasure there is abundance. "Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, That there may be food in my house, and try me in this, says the LORD of hosts: Shall I not open for you the floodgates of heaven, to pour down blessing upon you without measure? Malachi 3:10"
Life will be full of challenges and we have our crosses to bear, but the Lord is ever faithful and He never fails to provide for His servants.
Background Story of "I Give My All"
The song 'I give my all' was written very early in the morning at around 6am. We had a two-day training for the Youth for Christ High School program in Antipolo back in 2003. Mike and I woke up really early to have our individual prayertimes, then after we got together to finish the song. Mike came up with the Chords and the leading of the theme, I just wrote away the lyrics.
The song is about surrendering to God everything. It's about being honest before God, and telling Him, to 'take me as I am.' It's acknowledging that the Lord gave His life, His all, although we are unworthy. The posture of 'giving all' is a posture of offering to God our worries, our hurts, our joys, and our future.
Lyrics and Chords
The song is about surrendering to God everything. It's about being honest before God, and telling Him, to 'take me as I am.' It's acknowledging that the Lord gave His life, His all, although we are unworthy. The posture of 'giving all' is a posture of offering to God our worries, our hurts, our joys, and our future.
Lyrics and Chords
Stories of Songs
Pressing On
We had recently concluded a big event in the Kids For Christ ministry. It was very successful, but the victory wasn't easily won. During the preparation period, many of my fellow missionaries had oppressions. One had her house ransacked while she was away on mission and the thief got a lot of valuables amounting to a huge sum of money. Another was held up in a jeep, costing her cellphone. Another had his cellphone stolen in the bus and the next month it was his laptop that was stolen in his own home. But despite these, they pressed on with their mission and faithfully delivered what was expected and more.
St. Paul expressed his conviction in pursuing his mission for the Lord. "I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Phil. 3:14" These are glimpses of what St. Paul went through for the sake of Christ, "Three times I was beaten with rods. Once I was stoned. Three times I was shipwrecked; a night and a day I was adrift at sea; 1 Cor. 11:25" Whew! What an experience St. Paul had. I wasn't shipwrecked yet, well almost on a trip to the Visayas, but I have never been adrift at sea.
Lord, may we be reminded of the sacrifices of those who have gone before us whenever we are oppressed or persecuted. Many have been martyred because they have declared they are Christians. May their unshakable faith and conviction inspire us to be bold in proclaiming Your Name.
St. Paul expressed his conviction in pursuing his mission for the Lord. "I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Phil. 3:14" These are glimpses of what St. Paul went through for the sake of Christ, "Three times I was beaten with rods. Once I was stoned. Three times I was shipwrecked; a night and a day I was adrift at sea; 1 Cor. 11:25" Whew! What an experience St. Paul had. I wasn't shipwrecked yet, well almost on a trip to the Visayas, but I have never been adrift at sea.
Lord, may we be reminded of the sacrifices of those who have gone before us whenever we are oppressed or persecuted. Many have been martyred because they have declared they are Christians. May their unshakable faith and conviction inspire us to be bold in proclaiming Your Name.