Yesterday my son was playing with our camera. He kept on taking shots and aimed it anywhere he wished. He pointed it at me, the ceiling, the floor, the table...everywhere. When the image appears on the camera LCD screen, he then bursts into laughter and shoots another one. He had a lot of fun.
In one of my old journals, I found a note there that says, "3 good habits of a full time worker: Pray, Practice, and Play." It is essential for us to pray, to be close to God and be sensitive to His will for us. It is crucial to practice, so we become excellent in our duty and learn new things that will help us contribute more in our work. And lastly, it is important to play, to have time to enjoy with friends, to take on a hobby, to have a sport, or to relax and rest.
"Since on the seventh day God was finished with the work he had been doing, he rested on the seventh day from all the work he had undertaken (Genesis 2:2)." We notice that God rested after the work. The temptation for us is to "rest" to procrastinate, to "escape" in order to delay responsibilities. Breaks are only good if it boosts our work once recharged. We rest so we can enjoy and savor the fruits of our labor.
Yet, some of us forget to 'play,' taking everything so seriously. We work hard, we 'practice' hard, but forget to take care of ourselves and nurture our relationships. In the end, the work still suffers because we are less motivated and over burdened.
Importantly, we 'pray'. Spiritual strength will give us the passion, purpose, and power to achieve our goals and to be dependent on God's grace.
My son was playing with the camera but also produced photos as result of his playing. How wonderful it is if our work is what we enjoy doing the most. But even if our job is not the most exciting thing to do on earth, as long as we do it for God and help build people's lives, then all our sweat will be worth it. Let us not forget to pray, practice, and play.

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