Last night, it was a privilege for me to lead thousands of people in worship during the CFC anniversary. Most of us were wet because of the rain, but the people persisted in staying because they wanted to listen to the Lord. The challenge was that the drums and other instruments could not be used due to the rain. So I had to lead the worship accompanied with only the guitar, keyboards, and the wonderful voices of the MCG band singers. Regardless of the lack of instruments, the Holy Spirit took over and filled the hearts of the people. I could see them worshipping God intently with much hunger and thrist for His presence in their lives.
What I learned is that what is truly important is Christ, The rest are just details. I heard Mike Serapio exhort the crowd yesterday, "If we have everything but Christ, then we have nothing. But if we have nothing but Christ, then we have everything." During the Papal Nuncio's homily yesterday, he exhorted the crowd to truly be for Christ. St. Paul teaches us with his conviction in Philippians 3:8,"Yes, everything else is worthless when compared with the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have discarded everything else, counting it all as garbage, so that I could gain Christ."
We went home with our feet drenched, our clothes wet, and our bodies aching. But our hearts were filled with joy, experiencing fullness in Christ. No matter what kind of weather we go through in our lives, what is important is that Christ is holding our hand and assuring us of His love.
Sunday, June 20, 2010

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