The 'culture of honoring' is very important in a family, among friends, in an organization or a ministry. Honoring upbuilds people, encouraging them to do better. In a world that mostly highlights what is wrong, we have to be generous in praising people. If we read the newspaper, most of it are news that bring down people. Only in very few pages do we see good works being honored. When we evaluate, the good points are often forgotten, and the areas where we are aggravated are greatly expressed. In 1 Peter 2:17 it says, "Give honor to all, love the community, fear God, honor the king.
Honoring people entails a sincere intent to affirm another person's attitude or their work. It also requires for us to make it a habit. When we refer to people, are we putting them down through 'loose talk?' Criticizing people can also become habitual. And before we know it, it becomes part of how we communicate. "The tongue that brings healing is a tree of life, but a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit.Proverbs 15:4"
Honoring is often heard during a eulogy of a person who has died. To use the tongue to honor people will greatly bless people, specially when they are still alive. Let us live out the culture of honoring and build up one another for the glory of God.

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