Last night, while on our way to a date place with my wife and son, my heart was palpitating fast and my head was throbbing. I assumed It was high blood pressure. I felt that all my blood was in my head. I recalled what I ate. It was processed tuna. How could I have high blood pressure? So we went to the hospital and I had myself checked in the Emergency Room. It was an allergy. I was allergic to the preservatives of the processed tuna. I was then given 4 medicines by injection, ouch! All the while I thought it was high blood pressure. But when I knew it was an allergic reaction, i had peace of mind. When my ailment had been NAMED, the doctors knew what to do and the right medicines were given.
A retreat master once told us, "there is power in names." In the Old Testament, God revealed Himself to Moses as the "God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob." He also revealed Himself to Moses as "I Am Who Am." When Jesus described and named God as the Father, it had such power that we suddenly knew how to relate with the God of all creation. "This, then, is how you should pray: 'Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name' (Matthew 6:9)." Knowing God as the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, we now have power and confidence over all our worries about sicknesses, finances, work, schooling, and even the future. That is why making the sign of the cross is so powerful, because we say, "In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit." We know that God as the Father will always welcome back a prodigal son. God as the Son through Jesus, will be there for us as our brother and best friend. God as the Holy Spirit, will give us the power that we need. Without knowing the names of God, we will not know how to relate with God. We will not know how He will help us in our need and how we will communicate with Him.
After an hour of rest in the emergency room, we were allowed to go home. Thanks to my friends who visitied and for all those who prayed for me. Thank you God the Father for comforting me and assuring me that I'll be safe. Thank you Jesus for encouraging me and listening to me. Thank You Holy Spirit for giving us the strength to face this challenge and the guidance to go to the hospital. Thank you God for making us understand who You are through the Most Holy Trinity.
Sunday, June 6, 2010

Kuya, I heard about your emergency. Happy that you're okay na. :)
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