I am privileged to be working with missionaries who are mostly 22-32 years old. They are giving the best years of their life. They are at the prime of their health and youthfullness in the service of the Lord. Some of them are also married with kids and serving fulltime as missionaries.
We are reminded to give our best to God. In giving our best, we offer:
B - Bravery amidst trials and persecutions.
There will be many instances that God will call us to do the impossible. Even situations that will lead us to be persecuted and ridiculed for the sake of Christ. We have to stand firm in the faith and endure. "Be on your guard, stand firm in the faith, be courageous, be strong (1 Cor.16:13)."
E - Excellence amidst a culture of mediocrity.
The Lord deserves our all. When we serve Him, we strive for excellence. Even if people will say, pwede na 'yan (That'll do), we should insist in doing our best for God, whether in school, family, work, or service. As a form of worship, we offer all that we do for the Lord.
S - Servanthood amidst the temptation of pride
We have to be humble in our ways. We should be like a bamboo, the higher we go up, the lower we stoop down. It is difficult to tame pride when somebody offends us whether intentionally or unintentionally. Servanthood brings us to the lowest level. As one of my friends said, being humble is like a Tetris game. The lower your level of bricks, the more you can absorb from above. Servanthood allows us to absorb more of God's wisdom and blessings.
T - Trust in God amidst uncertainties
Peter said to Him, "Lord, if it is You, command me to come to You on the water(Matthew 14:28)." Like Peter walking on water when He stepped out of the boat, He trusted in God. But when the strong winds came, he sank. But Jesus saved Him in the end. We have to trust that Jesus will hold our hand in our difficult and confusing times. We trust that in giving our best to God, he will never be outdone in His generosity for our lives.
Let us live our lives giving our B.E.S.T. to God.
Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth (2 Timothy 2:15)."
You gave your all, unworthy as I am. You have died for me Lord, now I am free. - I Give My All

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