Sunday, May 30, 2010


It's the Feast of the Blessed Trinity. We have God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, but they are one and the same God. So it's 1+1+1=1. It defies math. It's indeed a mystery.

I was reflecting during mass, 'What if all was revealed? What if there was no mystery in life?' I guess it's like taking an exam, and knowing all the answers to all questions beforehand. There would be no reason to study, to research, to experiment, to discuss. We would not learn anything at all, since the answers are already there.

'What if I knew the time and hour of my death, and how I will pass away?' Maybe it would be too much for me too handle. Like the Holy Trinity, life is designed as a mystery. We seek for God and His will for us. He reveals what we can handle. There is a mysterious reason why we are where we are today. As long as we remain faithful to Him, like Job, even if all was taken away from Him, the Lord blessed Him even more later in his life.

The Bible reveals God's will for man. But it is written in a way as how Jesus told parables. We have to seek for His will, discern, make choices based on His holy Word. I believe it's the mystery that makes life such a great adventure. We'll never know what's going to happen tomorrow. The more reason why we have to put our faith in God.

"I have much more to tell you, but you cannot bear it now. But when he comes, the Spirit of truth, he will guide you to all truth." Jn.16:12-13


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